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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Marisa's Script
Marisa wins Reimu
Marisa | 平和ボケって怖いな みんな目的無く闘っているみたいだ |
Peace-senile is scary. Everyone's like they're fighting for no reason.[1] |
Marisa | ああ、バザーで掘り出し物を見つけたぜ
あの正体不明の種だ 幻想郷中を探せばまだ見つかるかも知れないぜ |
Oh yeah, I've found something dug up at the bazaar.
That Seed of Unknown Form. Maybe you can still find them lying around Gensokyo. |
Marisa wins Sakuya
Marisa | バザーに行くんだって? もう遅いぜ 既にめぼしい物は殆ど無かったな |
You're going to the bazaar? You're too late, almost all the good stuff's gone. |
Marisa wins Alice
Marisa | 今年は森にも陽の光が差して暑いな | This sunshine is even making it hot in the forest this year. |
Marisa | あんまり暑い中に放って置くと 自爆したりしないのか? 人形 |
Won't they explode if you leave them out for too long in this heat? Those dolls, that is. |
Marisa wins Patchouli
Marisa | 耐水性に優れた本もあるんだな それなら風呂の中でも読めそうだぜ |
You've got waterproof books as well. I bet you could even read those in the bath. |
Marisa | そういえば、私も本を書いたぜ
いつも借りてばっかで悪いから、今度は いくらがいい? |
Speaking of which, I wrote a book too!
It's bad of me to keep borrowing books, so I'll put my book here at the library this time! How much will you pay for it? [2] |
Marisa wins Youmu
Marisa | 冥界は季節があるのに、彼岸には無いんだってな | Though there are seasons in the Netherworld, there aren't any in Higan, huh. |
Marisa wins Remilia
Marisa | 昼間ばっかで悪いな 夜は寝てるんでねぇ |
Sorry I always come during the day. I'm asleep at night. |
Marisa wins Yuyuko
Marisa | 墓場は夏のメッカだったな で、メッカってなんだ? |
Graveyards were the meccas of summer, yeah. But... what's a mecca? |
Marisa wins Yukari
Marisa | 土用の丑に鰻を食べると何かが良いそうだ 八目鰻なら一段と良いかもな |
How many eels should you eat in the midsummer day? If it's a lamprey eel, one should be enough, I bet. |
Marisa | しかし、土用っていつ頃を指すんだ? | However, who decides when midsummer is anyway? |
Marisa wins Suika
Marisa | 雲って、何が集まった物なんだ? 何で上に乗れたり乗れなかったりするんだ? |
A cloud is a gathering of things, isn't it? Why don't you ever ride one or something? |
Marisa | 今夜辺り、暇な奴集めてくれ 夕立後に涼しくなったら宴会でもしようぜ |
Gather the ones who have free time for me tonight. When it gets cool after sundown, we'll have a party! |
Marisa wins Reisen
Marisa | 筍採りは意外と難しいな 大体、硬くて食えたもんじゃない |
Harvesting bamboo is a lot tougher than I thought it would be. It's about as hard as it is to eat. |
Marisa | 高速で生える筍を見たぜ
走ってたらアレにぶつかりそうになった あんな罠があるなんて |
I saw that fast-growin' bamboo.
When you run, it's easy to run into them. |
Marisa wins Aya
Marisa | 良いこと思いついたぜ。新聞に天気予報を 載せてみるんだ。少しは売れるんじゃん? |
I've got a good idea for you. Why don't you try putting a weather forecast in the newspaper? Wouldn't that sell? |
Marisa | 新聞があると、自分でネタ仕入れに 行かなくなっちゃうな 便利なようだが、みんな同じ情報を持ってて こういう時こそ自分で歩き回ってるもん勝ちだよな |
With newspapers, you collect the stories yourself so no one else has to go anywhere. That's convenient, but everyone reading the same thing I could beat you at your own game by just walking around myself. |
Marisa wins Komachi
Marisa | 河童にモーターボートでも作ってもらったらどうだ? 仕事は楽になるぜ |
How about have the kappa make you a motorboat? It'd make your job fun. |
Marisa | お前の舟は沈みやすいのか?
いや、幽霊の乗った舟は良く沈みやすいとか 幽霊全般じゃなくて、特定の奴だけの話かも |
Does your boat sink easily?
No, it's just that I heard that the boats Maybe it's not for all phantoms, |
Marisa wins Sanae
Marisa | 随分と妖怪退治業が板に付いてきたな | So you're really starting to get the hang of youkai extermination, huh? |
Marisa | 妖怪退治ばっかりしていると 自分が妖怪に近づくんだぜ |
If you do nothing but youkai hunting, you might become close to one yourself. |
Marisa wins Cirno
Marisa | ああ悪いな 実はだいだらぼっちは見ていなかったぜ |
Ah, my bad. I actually haven't seen a Daidarabotchi. |
Marisa wins Meiling
Marisa | 私に勝つつもりだったのか? お前の間合いに入る気など毛頭無いぜ |
What's it to you if you beat me? I'm not letting you catch up to my skill level. |
Marisa wins Utsuho
Marisa | いやしかしアレだな 今日は暑いな、暑くて死ぬぜ |
No, it's just that. It's so hot today. So hot, I could die. [5] |
Marisa wins Suwako
Marisa | いつになったら分けてくれるんだ? 核エネルギー |
Will you spare me some of that sometime? That nuclear energy. |
Marisa wins someone
Marisa | 何も起きて無くてもみんな変わらないな 退屈って事だな |
When nothing happens, everyone stays the same. It's such a boring situation. |
Marisa | 怖いのは夕立が降る前に勝てるかどうかくらいだ | It's scary just whether I can win before I have a rush rain in the evening. [6] |
- ^ Peace-senile (heiwa boke) is quite a odd Japanese word, meaning "most Japanese people's own typical way of thinking due to quite a long peaceful period under the US nuclear umbrella after WWII. E.g., too disregarding to the safety of Japan mainland, and too undefended for dangerous behavior of other people.
- ^ Marisa did talk about selling her book to a library....
- ^ Fast-growing bamboo appears on the 24th chapter of Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth.
- ^ The cat associated with fast growing bamboo is a parody of City Connection: the counterpart of spike is the bamboo shoot in Japanese version.
- ^ Marisa said the same phrase on Stage 5 of Marisa and Alice's Scenario of Subterranean Animism.
- ^ In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Marisa suffered from drizzle, so Marisa is wanting to avoid the rain. 夕立 (yuudachi, rushing rain in the evening) is a characteristic Japanese climate, rushing rain's suddenly falling and disappearing only seen in summer evenings.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |