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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Reimu's Script
Reimu wins herself
Reimu | あんた誰? | Who're you? |
Reimu wins Marisa
Reimu | 暑いし退屈ねぇ 後で河童の処にでも行く? |
Sure is hot and boring. Wanna go to the kappa's place afterwards? [1] |
Reimu | 動いても動かなくても暑いわ こういう時は何をすればいいのかな |
It's hot whether I move or not. Wonder what I should do at a time like this? |
Reimu | そういえば、あの未確認飛行妖怪
結局、仏門に入門したみたいよ やっぱり地底は嫌みたいね |
Speaking of which, that unidentified flying youkai
got converted to Buddhism I guess the normal youkai |
Reimu wins Sakuya
Reimu | 紅魔館はいつも涼しい気がする 何か秘密があるの? |
It bothers me that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is always cool. Is there a secret to that? |
Reimu | 今夜は紅魔館で夏のパーティね 夏がいくつあっても足りないわ |
Tonight is a summer party at the mansion! Can't get enough of those in the summer. |
Reimu wins Alice
Reimu | ちゃんと人形供養してる? 人の形をした物には色んな物が宿るわよ? |
Thought of holding services for dolls? You know, there are lots of things possessing the stuff that's been made into human form. |
Reimu | 髪の毛伸びる人形ってよくあるけど
アレも糸で操作してるの? |
I've heard lots about hair-growing dolls.
Are those controlled by strings as well? |
Reimu wins Patchouli
Reimu | 暑いし、余り動かないと思ったんだけどね | It's so hot, I've thought about not moving at all.... |
Reimu wins Youmu
Reimu | 暑いわねぇ 幽霊の一つや二つ貸し出してくれないの? |
It's so hot.... Mind lending me a phantom or two? |
Reimu | その辺の草刈りでもして行かない? | Would you mind cutting the grass over there? |
Reimu | 今度、うちで肝試しするから是非来てよ お化けに威かされ役で |
Next time, you should come have a test of courage at my place. You'll be frightened by the monsters there. [2] |
Reimu wins Remilia
Reimu | 聞いたわ、蝙蝠って鳥じゃなくて哺乳類だったのね | I've heard that bats aren't birds but actually mammals! |
Reimu wins Yuyuko
Reimu | 幽霊の集まりやすい場所って 何だか暗くてジメジメした場所ばかりよねぇ |
Usually phantoms collect easily in dark and damp places. |
Reimu wins Yukari
Reimu | なんか退屈なんだけど…… | I'm feeling a bit bored, but.... |
Reimu | 最近平和だと思わない?
嵐の前のなんちゃらって感じ |
Don't you think it's peaceful lately?
Feels like the calm before the storm. |
Reimu wins Suika
Reimu | 好きこのんで地底に住んでる奴らに 碌な奴がいないわね |
I don't know any decent people who like to live underground. |
Reimu wins Reisen
Reimu | 今夜は兎鍋ね | Tonight is rabbit stew! |
Reimu | 山に目薬の木って木があるみたいね 充血が酷いようなら探してみたら? |
There seem to be trees called eye drop trees up on the mountain. If your eyes get so horribly red, why don't you try finding them? [3] |
Reimu wins Aya
Reimu | なんで、新聞の写真にあんたの姿が 写ってる事があるの? |
Why do you show up in the newspaper photos? |
Reimu | なんで、新聞の写真にあんたの姿が 写ってる事があるの? もしかして、シャッターを切ってから ……それで自分が写るのかしら? |
Why do you show up in the newspaper photos?
Can it be that you moved at ultra high speeds after you pressed the shutter? ...and so you managed to photograph yourself? |
Reimu wins Iku
Reimu | 最近夕立が酷いわ あんたらが暴れるから雷が落ちるんじゃなくて? |
The evening showers have been bad lately. Do aggressive actions of ones and you cause lightning strikes? |
Reimu wins Tenshi
Reimu | 天界って暑そうね 日射しを避ける物が無いなんて |
Heaven seems hot. There's nothing to shade from the sun. |
Reimu | 天界って暑そうね 日射しを避ける物が無いなんて あ、でも、山は昇るとどんどん寒くなるわね 山より上にある天界は暑いのかしら? |
Heaven seems hot. There's nothing to shade from the sun. Ah, but the higher you climb the colder it gets. Would heaven above the mountain be hot? Or would it be cold? |
Reimu wins Sanae
Reimu | さあ、どちらの色が巫女っぽいか 服の色で勝負よ! |
Let's see whose color is more suitable as a shrine maiden! It's a contest of the clothes! |
Reimu | なんか分社の方が人が集まるんだけど
みんな現金ね もっと妖怪を退治して欲しい場面が増えたら |
Even if you get enough people to open a branch shrine,
everyone needs to donate. so you want more situations where you can exterminate youkai. |
Reimu wins Cirno
Reimu | 馬鹿ね 私に勝てるわけがない |
How stupid. There's no way you can win against me. |
Reimu wins Meiling
Reimu | 太極拳って健康法じゃないの? | Isn't Tai chi chuan just a form of exercise? |
Reimu wins Utsuho
Reimu | いまいち核融合ってなんなのか判ってないんだけど なんで、融合したら熱くなるのかしら? |
I still don't understand this nuclear fusion. Why does it become hot after fusion? |
Reimu | なんで、太陽にカラスが住んでいるのかしらね | Why does a crow live in the sun? |
Reimu wins Suwako
Reimu | 蛙の冬眠って命がけらしいわね | Frogs hibernating to live sure is precarious. |
Reimu wins someone
Reimu | 今年の夏は平和ねぇ 退屈なのは良い事よね、多分 |
This year's summer sure is peaceful. It's good to be bored, probably. |
Reimu | いつも夏になると何か起きるもんだけどね | Something usually happens during the summer, though. |
- ^ The kappa are preparing for a flea market in Story Mode.
- ^ Oriental Sacred Place, chapter 3.
- ^ Nikko maples are also called "eye drop trees" (meguzuri no ki) in Japanese.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |