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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Sakuya's Script
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Sakuya wins Reimu
Sakuya | 神社は本当にそっくりそのまま建て直したのですね リフォームするチャンスでしたのに |
The shrine really got fixed back to the way it was before. Even though that was a chance to renovate.... |
Sakuya wins Marisa
Sakuya | 見た目が不気味な茸の方が美味しかったりするのね 味は見た目が重要って事ね |
The mushrooms that look strange taste delicious. Appearance is very important to flavor. |
Sakuya wins herself
Sakuya | 私が勝ったから今夜のおゆはんは和食ね | Since I've won, tonight's dinner will be Japanese-style. |
Sakuya | 私が勝ったから…… 今夜のおゆはんは森の茸ご飯で |
Since I've won... we'll have rice with forest mushrooms tonight. |
Sakuya wins Patchouli
Sakuya | 今日は天気が宜しいので、外に出ても出なくても 良いと思います |
The weather's fine today, it's great whether you go out or not. |
Sakuya | バザーで手に入れた石はどういう物だったんですか?
私にはただの河原に落ちている石ころに |
What was the stone you got at the bazaar today?
It just looks like an ordinary stone that fell on the dry river bed to me. |
Sakuya wins Remilia
Sakuya | 最近、何かお変わりはございませんか? | Have you perhaps noticed anything strange at all lately? |
Sakuya | 最近起きるのは早いですね
昼間は準備が多いので休んで頂いてた方が |
You're up early lately.
Much preparations need to be done in the afternoon, |
Sakuya wins Yuyuko
Sakuya | 死んでからも食事を取るようだと、食物連鎖の理が 狂いますね |
You're eating even though you're dead. That must really mess up the food chain. |
Sakuya | 死人が死ぬまで食べないとどうなるのでしょう?
まさが生き返ったりはしないですよね |
What happens to the dead if they starve themselves to death?
I don't think they'd come back to life. |
Sakuya wins Yukari
Sakuya | 最近、何かしてます? ちょくちょく周りが騒がしくなるのですが |
Have you been up to something lately? That usually means that things are about to get noisy... |
Sakuya wins Suika
Sakuya | あら丁度良いところに…… お酒を少し分けて貰えませんこと? |
Ah, perfect timing... Could I borrow some sake from you? |
Sakuya | そのお酒が無限に湧く瓢箪
呑む以外にも利用価値が高いと思うのですが アルコール燃料で対抗しませんか? |
That gourd of limitless sake.
I think it's valuable for purposes other than drinking. Why don't we compete with that nuclear energy with alcoholic fuel? |
Sakuya wins Aya
Sakuya | 新聞紙はあると便利ですね 窓は綺麗に拭けるし…… |
Newsprint is very convenient to have. It wipes windows clean... |
Sakuya | 活版印刷とかどこでやってるのでしょう? あの山もそんなに広くないですよね |
Where do you do that movable type printing? That mountain isn't that big anyway. |
Sakuya wins Komachi
Sakuya | 白鳥の形をした船とかにすれば三途の河が華やかに なるんじゃないですか? |
If your boat were in the form of a swan, don't you think the River would look so much nicer? |
Sakuya | 三途の河には見た事もないような魚が住んでいる そうですね。今度釣りに行こうかしら |
There are fish I've never seen before living in the Sanzu River. That's right, I should go fishing next time. |
Sakuya wins Iku
Sakuya | 今夜のおゆはんはウナギにしようかなぁ…… いや、何でそう思ったんだろう |
Maybe I should make eel for tonight's dinner... Or maybe I shouldn't. I wonder what made me think that. |
Sakuya | 龍宮の使いって見つかる時には 常に死んでいるそうなので 本当は三途の河の魚かと思ったのですが |
Whenever I find an oarfish I usually find it looking dead. I even thought they're actually fish from the Sanzu River. |
Sakuya wins Tenshi
Sakuya | 桃はデザートにしか使えそうに無いですが…… 実はハムとかとも相性がいいですよ |
A peach isn't particularly suited to be anything but dessert... I actually think a ham would be much more appropriate. |
Sakuya | 天界の料理だってそんなに不味くないですよね 本当、舌が贅沢になっているだけですわ |
Heaven's cuisine really isn't that bad. It's only because your tastes became more refined. |
Sakuya wins Sanae
Sakuya | どうですか? 幻想郷の暮らしは 中々、飽きさせないでしょう? |
How is it? Life in Gensokyo never gets tiring, right? |
Sakuya | 霊夢よりマシな巫女かと思ったら そうでも無いのですね |
And I thought you might be a better shrine maiden than Reimu. Seems like that's not the case. |
Sakuya wins Cirno
Sakuya | 貴方ですね、うちの花壇を荒らしてるのは | You're the one who messed up our garden, isn't it? |
Sakuya | 妖精はいくら倒しても死なないのですね
だから無鉄砲に突っ込んでくる 貴方を見てると、無謀と勇気は異なる |
No matter how many times a fairy is defeated, it won't die.
That's why they charge in so recklessly. I found their thoughtlessness and bravery strange, |
Sakuya wins Meiling
Sakuya | そんなに弱くちゃ、門番は成り立たないわよ? | You can't be a gatekeeper if you're that weak, you know? |
Sakuya | さあさあ、仕事に戻った戻った | Come now, get back to work. |
Sakuya wins Utsuho
Sakuya | 貴方、そんな高エネルギーをただの火の弾に 使うなんて、勿体ないわね |
You're using such high energies just for fireballs. That's such a waste. |
Sakuya wins Suwako
Sakuya | 蛙は……鶏肉の味がするのです だったら、鶏の方が手に入りやすいと思うのですが |
Frogs....taste like chicken. But I think chickens are easier to catch. |
Sakuya wins someone
Sakuya | 最近、平和に見えますけどね どうも裏でコソコソ動いている人が多いような |
It seemed so peaceful lately, but there are a lot of people acting behind-the-scenes. |
Sakuya | 畑泥棒対策にマンドラゴラを植えました 等間隔に |
To deal with thieves, we planted mandrakes in the garden at regular intervals. [1] |
- ^ Mandragora is a plant considered to be magical. Legend states that it had the power to harm people when uprooted.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |