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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Youmu's Script
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Youmu wins Reimu
Youmu | 血液には鉄分が多いから刀のサビにする って言うんですかね |
Maybe you say "I shall make you the rust of my sword" because of the iron in blood?[1] |
Youmu wins Sakuya
Youmu | 日本の刀は斬る事に特化しています 潰す為のナイフよりお洒落です |
Japanese swords are specialized for slashing. They're much more refined than knives meant for stabbing. |
Youmu | 刀でナイフをたたき落とす事だって出来ます 頑張れば弾幕だって斬れますよ |
It's possible to knock knives out of the air with a sword. You can even cut an entire barrage of them if you try hard. |
Youmu wins Remilia
Youmu | 動きの速い者は眼を閉じた方が都合が良いって 幽々子様は言うけど 眼を瞑れば残像は映らないからかな? |
Lady Yuyuko said that against agile opponents, you should shut your eyes. Is it because you don't see the afterimages when your eyes are shut? |
Youmu | 貴方のように刀に突っ込んできてくれる相手は 闘いやすいです |
My sword can easily cut through opponents like you. |
Youmu wins Yuyuko
Youmu | 幽々子様もたまには剣伎の修行もしましょうか 気持ちが落ち着きますよ? |
Lady Yuyuko, why don't you train sword techniques with me sometimes? It'll settle your spirits, you know? |
Youmu | そういえば前に漬けていた漬け物なんですけど……
不思議な事に何日、何年漬けても大して変化が 神社の漬け物は一日で美味しく漬かるというのに |
Oh right, about the pickled vegetables I was pickling before....
Strangely enough, I leave them out for days or even years, but they don't ever change much. And to think the food at the shrine becomes delicious after one day of pickling.... |
Youmu | なんか、春先に空を飛んでいたのは 結局、宝船だったみたいですね 霊夢達に聞いてもさっぱり要領を得ないの 特に危害を与えるような舟じゃなくて |
It seems that thing flying in the air in the early spring was apparently a treasure ship.[2]
I didn't really understand after hearing about it from Reimu and the others, but I'm glad it wasn't a boat that could cause us harm. |
Youmu wins Yukari
Youmu | ところで、この世とあの世の境界は 曖昧なままで良いんでしょうか? |
By the way, is it okay to keep the boundary between this world and the next ambiguous like this? |
Youmu wins Suika
Youmu | 鬼を斬る刀は特別だそうですね じゃあ、この刀も特別ということで |
I heard that the blades used for slaying oni are special. Well then, I'll announce this sword is special too. |
Youmu wins Komachi
Youmu | 三途の河にいる子供の霊は助けないんですか? あそこに行くといつも気になるのです |
Won't you help the spirits of the children by the Sanzu River? I always worry about them crossing to the other side. |
Youmu wins Tenshi
Youmu | 天界、全然飽和状態じゃないじゃ無いですか あれなら冥界の方がよっぽど混雑してますよ |
Looks to me that Heaven isn't saturated at all. If this is all there is, then the Netherworld is far more crowded. |
Youmu | 春先に空飛んでませんでした? なんか大きな舟みたいなの見たんですけど |
You didn't fly around in early spring? I saw this big ship-like thing. [3] |
Youmu wins Sanae
Youmu | へえ、外の世界にも神社ってあるんですね もう消えた文化かと思ってました |
So there are shrines in the outside world too, huh? I thought that they were already a lost culture. |
Youmu wins Cirno
Youmu | 氷って乱暴に力を加えると砕けるから 斬るのは難しいのです |
You can break ice if you put enough reckless power into it, so it's difficult to cut. |
Youmu wins Meiling
Youmu | 青竜刀とか使わないんですか? そういう話を良く聞きますが |
Don't you use things like the Green Dragon Blade? I hear things like that often... [4] |
Youmu wins Utsuho
Youmu | 爆発してるのに融合……??? どういう事なんでしょう |
It's fusion, but it explodes...??? I wonder what's going on there. |
Youmu wins Suwako
Youmu | 貴方が山の上の神様ですね? そうは見えませんが |
Are you the god from top of the mountain? You sure don't look like it. |
- ^ "Make one the rust of one's sword" (刀の錆にする) is a common line that is spoken by a swordsman in Japanese fiction stories when just before he/she attempts to attack the enemy by his/her sword.
- ^ Youmu is referring to the Palanquin Ship here.
- ^ The Green Dragon Blade (青龍刀 seiryuutou) - short for the Green Dragon Crescent Blade (青龍偃月刀, Mandarin: qīng lóng yǎn yuè dāo, Japanese: Seiryuu Engetsu Tou) - is a type of polearm used long ago in China. Due to the popularity of this legendary weapon used by Guan Yu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms it has become the most famous and the most typical Chinese weapon known to Japanese, which likely answers the reason why Youmu had brought this on topic. Incidentally, some Japanese people commonly confuse the Green Dragon Blade with other Chinese blades such as Liuyedao, but the "Green Dragon Blade" is only the abbreviation term for the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, so it's an incorrect usage of the term.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |