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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Yukari's Script
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Yukari wins Alice
Yukari | 人の形をした物には心が宿る それは妖怪と何が違うのかしら? |
A heart dwelling within a human-shaped object. How is that different from a youkai, I wonder? |
Yukari wins Patchouli
Yukari | 外の世界の魔法はそんな原始的な物じゃないわ 今じゃ巨大ロボが実現するぐらいよ |
The magic of the outside world is not so primitive. Now, there are even things like giant robots. [1] |
Yukari wins Remilia
Yukari | 貴方の見たコウモリは、白かった? それとも黒かった? |
That bat you saw, was it white? Or was it black? [2] |
Yukari wins Yuyuko
Yukari | 最近忙しくてね 平和な時ほど忙しいわ |
I'm busy lately. I'm busy like it's peacetime! [3] |
Yukari wins Suika
Yukari | 鬼は良いわね、知名度があって 下手な神様より信仰が集められるんじゃなくて? |
Oni are quite impressive, and quite popular. Have you perhaps gathered more faith than the clumsy gods? |
Yukari wins Aya
Yukari | 人の形をした物には心が宿る 写真だって例外じゃないわよ |
Hearts dwell within human-shaped objects. And photographs are no exception. |
Yukari wins Tenshi
Yukari | 天界に昇った猿は、与えられた役職に怒って反逆し 結果、山に閉じ込められるのです |
The monkey who arose to the heavens rebelled from his post in rage. In the end, he was imprisoned upon the mountain. [4] |
Yukari wins Sanae
Yukari | どう? もう慣れたかしら? |
How is it? Getting used to this place? |
Yukari wins Cirno
Yukari | もっと広範囲に涼しくできれば 仕事には困らないと思うわ |
If you could cool off a bigger area, I don't think I'd be so annoyed at work. |
Yukari wins Meiling
Yukari | 赤い建物に貴方が住むなんて やっぱり軽いジョークかしら? |
You living in a red building, that's some kind of joke, right? [5] |
Yukari wins Utsuho
Yukari | 太陽の力は本来妖怪には優しくない しかし、貴方の力は十分すぎるほど禍々しい |
Solar power is already not kind to the youkai. However, your power goes too far, to the extent of evil. |
Yukari wins Suwako
Yukari | 神様ってのは自分勝手な輩が多いわね 信仰される側だから気付いていないのね |
There are many selfish ones among the gods. I wonder if they don't notice because they are the receivers of faith. |
- ^ The 1/1 scale Gundam Statue (commonly referred to as the Odaiba Gundam) stood at Odaiba, Tokyo from July to August 2009. This game was released at Comiket 76 during this time as well. Video.
- ^ This may be a reference to the manga, Billy Bat, where this question is an important plot device.
- ^ Meaning that she's not busy at all.
- ^ Sun Wukong of Journey to the West.
- ^ Other than the obvious communist reference, Meiling's surname "Hong" means red too, and she has red hair.
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