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Tri Focuser/Spell Cards/Level 1
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Spell Card 1 - 1
Wheel Sign "Marry-Go-Round"
Marry Shepherd
Level 1 — 1
Level 1 — 1
Aya: 「妖怪体育大会で『台風の目』とかやったのを思い出しますね」
Hatate: 「こっそり内側を回る役になれば疲れないで済むのよね」
Tobiko: 「この程度で目を回すようでは、忍者としてまだまだだな」
Momiji: (忍者なのはお前だけだ…)
Hatate: 「こっそり内側を回る役になれば疲れないで済むのよね」
Tobiko: 「この程度で目を回すようでは、忍者としてまだまだだな」
Momiji: (忍者なのはお前だけだ…)
Aya: I remember playing "Typhoon's Eye" at the Youkai Sports Games.
Hatate: Doesn't it get boring if you sit around in the middle the whole time?
Tobiko: If you turn your eyes now, you will never become a ninja.
Momiji: (But you are the only ninja here...)
Hatate: Doesn't it get boring if you sit around in the middle the whole time?
Tobiko: If you turn your eyes now, you will never become a ninja.
Momiji: (But you are the only ninja here...)
Spell Card 1 - 2
Speed Sign "Sheepskin Wolf"
Marry Shepherd
Level 1 — 2
Level 1 — 2
Aya: 「やたら動きの速い羊が紛れています」
Hatate: 「美少女を見ると飛びついて来るなんてやらしい羊ねー」
Tobiko: 「僕の解釈では、羊の皮を被った狼という諺に因むと思うんだよね」
Momiji: (狼がこんなに舐められるとは悲しい…)
Hatate: 「美少女を見ると飛びついて来るなんてやらしい羊ねー」
Tobiko: 「僕の解釈では、羊の皮を被った狼という諺に因むと思うんだよね」
Momiji: (狼がこんなに舐められるとは悲しい…)
Aya: There are some fast moving sheep in the herd.
Hatate: It's hard for a shepherd to keep control when they see such a beautiful girl.
Tobiko: In my interpretation, it's actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Momiji: (It's sad that a wolf can get defeated so easily...)
Hatate: It's hard for a shepherd to keep control when they see such a beautiful girl.
Tobiko: In my interpretation, it's actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Momiji: (It's sad that a wolf can get defeated so easily...)
Spell Card 1 - 3
Discard Sign "Cotton Glacier"
Marry Shepherd
Level 1 — 3
Level 1 — 3
Aya: 「コットンとウールは別物の筈なんですがね」
Hatate: 「邪星章作った時に命名担当がコットンとウール間違えてたらしいよ」
Tobiko: 「間違いに気付いて大量投棄というわけか、何とも勿体ないな」
Momiji: (一人変な事を言ってたような…)
Hatate: 「邪星章作った時に命名担当がコットンとウール間違えてたらしいよ」
Tobiko: 「間違いに気付いて大量投棄というわけか、何とも勿体ないな」
Momiji: (一人変な事を言ってたような…)
Aya: Aren't cotton and wool different things?
Hatate: The ones in charge of spell naming also mistook cotton for wool back in The Last Comer.
Tobiko: So, she realized her mistake and dumped it all away, what a waste.
Momiji: (One of them said something strange...)
Hatate: The ones in charge of spell naming also mistook cotton for wool back in The Last Comer.
Tobiko: So, she realized her mistake and dumped it all away, what a waste.
Momiji: (One of them said something strange...)
Spell Card 1 - 4
Level 1 — 4
Level 1 — 4
Aya: 「木霊は妖精と大差ない雑魚です、さっさと次の取材に行きましょう」
Hatate: 「どこが違うんだろねぇ、前も仲良く大戦争ごっことか言ってたけど」
Tobiko: 「思うに概念が生まれた土地ではないかね?妖精は皆外国かぶれしている」
Momiji: (名前に入ってるチルノに誰も突っ込まないな…)
Hatate: 「どこが違うんだろねぇ、前も仲良く大戦争ごっことか言ってたけど」
Tobiko: 「思うに概念が生まれた土地ではないかね?妖精は皆外国かぶれしている」
Momiji: (名前に入ってるチルノに誰も突っ込まないな…)
Aya: Kodamas are just like fairies, small fry. Let's get to the next interview.
Hatate: I'm not sure how they differ, but I doubt they fought in a great war.
Tobiko: I don't think that concept was born in their land? Fairies are rasher overseas.
Momiji: (Is no one gonna mention how they put Cirno in their spell name...?)
Hatate: I'm not sure how they differ, but I doubt they fought in a great war.
Tobiko: I don't think that concept was born in their land? Fairies are rasher overseas.
Momiji: (Is no one gonna mention how they put Cirno in their spell name...?)
Spell Card 1 - 5
Pine Sign "Double Dragon Pines"
Level 1 — 5
Level 1 — 5
Aya: 「松が龍のごとく伸びて来ます、まさにドラゴンマツ」
Hatate: 「長興寺の二龍松が童子に変身する奴じゃないのかよ」
Tobiko: 「それは賢明、童子に変身されては僕が攫いたくなってしまうよ」
Momiji: (一人しか真面目なこと言ってねえ…)
Hatate: 「長興寺の二龍松が童子に変身する奴じゃないのかよ」
Tobiko: 「それは賢明、童子に変身されては僕が攫いたくなってしまうよ」
Momiji: (一人しか真面目なこと言ってねえ…)
Aya: The pines grows like dragons, truly a Dragon Pine.
Hatate: Or will two Dragon Pines transform into a child?[2]
Tobiko: Would make sense, I'd go for a baby, if I was transformed into a child.
Momiji: (I feel like I'm the only serious one here...)
Hatate: Or will two Dragon Pines transform into a child?[2]
Tobiko: Would make sense, I'd go for a baby, if I was transformed into a child.
Momiji: (I feel like I'm the only serious one here...)
Spell Card 1 - 6
Level 1 — 6
Level 1 — 6
Aya: 「くるんくるんレーザーですね、高い反射神経を要する老体キラーです」
Hatate: 「遠くから撮影できるカメラじゃないと厳しいのよねー」
Tobiko: 「確かに! だがこの弾幕はむしろ相手の懐が安全…気付いていたかな?」
Momiji: (難しく考えずに避けて撃てば良いのに…)
Hatate: 「遠くから撮影できるカメラじゃないと厳しいのよねー」
Tobiko: 「確かに! だがこの弾幕はむしろ相手の懐が安全…気付いていたかな?」
Momiji: (難しく考えずに避けて撃てば良いのに…)
Aya: It's a curving laser. Old killers required great reflexes.
Hatate: It's hard when your camera can't shoot from afar.
Tobiko: Surely, but didn't you notice that the danmaku was safest when close to her?
Momiji: (You should avoid thinking too hard about things...)
Hatate: It's hard when your camera can't shoot from afar.
Tobiko: Surely, but didn't you notice that the danmaku was safest when close to her?
Momiji: (You should avoid thinking too hard about things...)
Spell Card 1 - 7
Flower Tea "Fabri Tea"
Level 1 — 7
Level 1 — 7
Aya: 「羊飼いの妖精に触発され、お茶を売る事を考えたそうです」
Hatate: 「ん? 自然の具現である妖精がそんな俗な事をして良いのか」
Tobiko: 「妖精が妖精の道を踏み外すなど、果たしてうまく行くものなのか」
Momiji: (仮に成功したとして、彼女はもはや妖精と呼べるのだろうか)
Hatate: 「ん? 自然の具現である妖精がそんな俗な事をして良いのか」
Tobiko: 「妖精が妖精の道を踏み外すなど、果たしてうまく行くものなのか」
Momiji: (仮に成功したとして、彼女はもはや妖精と呼べるのだろうか)
Aya: That shepherd fairy must have inspired her to start selling teas.
Hatate: Should these, like, embodiments of nature even do mundane things like these?
Tobiko: Hm. Is it really okay for her to live a life unlike that of the typical fairy?
Momiji: (If they somehow do succeed, would it even be right to call them fairies anymore?)
Hatate: Should these, like, embodiments of nature even do mundane things like these?
Tobiko: Hm. Is it really okay for her to live a life unlike that of the typical fairy?
Momiji: (If they somehow do succeed, would it even be right to call them fairies anymore?)
Spell Card 1 - 8
Level 1 — 8
Level 1 — 8
Aya: 「意外と知られていませんが、乾瓢 とは夕顔のことなのです」
Hatate: 「皮を細く切って乾燥させるのよね、まあ私は食べないけど」
Tobiko: 「僕は好きだぞ、小さく丸めておける紐状の物は奇術に便利だ」
Momiji: (いいからお前ら乾瓢巻き食べろよ…)
Hatate: 「皮を細く切って乾燥させるのよね、まあ私は食べないけど」
Tobiko: 「僕は好きだぞ、小さく丸めておける紐状の物は奇術に便利だ」
Momiji: (いいからお前ら乾瓢巻き食べろよ…)
Aya: Some don't know this, but kanpyō just comes from the calabash plant.
Hatate: I don't eat it, but you have to mince the skin, and then dry it.
Tobiko: I like this, though. Small things that are easy to twist are convenient for magicians.
Momiji: (Enough talking, just hurry up and eat it all already...)
Hatate: I don't eat it, but you have to mince the skin, and then dry it.
Tobiko: I like this, though. Small things that are easy to twist are convenient for magicians.
Momiji: (Enough talking, just hurry up and eat it all already...)
Spell Card 1 - 9
"Heavenly Bloom"
Fabritis & Iphonea
Level 1 — 9
Level 1 — 9
Aya: 「二人が仲良くおてて繋ぎます、可愛らしい攻撃ですね」
Hatate: 「二人になったからってそんなに強くなるもんなのかしら」
Tobiko: 「絆で結ばれた二人なら何処までも強くなる、孤独者には分からんよ」
Momiji: (あっはたてが血を吐いた)
Hatate: 「二人になったからってそんなに強くなるもんなのかしら」
Tobiko: 「絆で結ばれた二人なら何処までも強くなる、孤独者には分からんよ」
Momiji: (あっはたてが血を吐いた)
Aya: They're linked together. It's a cute attack.
Hatate: I wonder if they're any stronger as two?
Tobiko: The bonds of two people will be strong anywhere - it's something lonely shut-ins wouldn't understand.
Momiji: (Ah, Hatate just puked a little blood...)
Hatate: I wonder if they're any stronger as two?
Tobiko: The bonds of two people will be strong anywhere - it's something lonely shut-ins wouldn't understand.
Momiji: (Ah, Hatate just puked a little blood...)
- ↑ The Japanese word "chiru" means "to scatter;" the card's name means "sakura-scattering storm", but the katakana spelling also makes it a pun on the pronunciation of Cirno's name (Chiruno).
- ↑ She's talking about an old Japanese folklore, Two Dragon Pines, where a pair of pine trees transform into children.
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