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Tri Focuser/Translation
The English transcript of Tri Focuser for your reading pleasure.
The Japanese transcript has also been included in order to encourage fellow translators to chip in and make our translations more accurate/helpful.
- Music Comments - Wanwan's music comments
- Spell Card comments - The comments given by Aya, Hatate, or Tobiko.
- Dialogue - Conversations between Aya and Hatate, and the various bosses.
- Ending - The ending sequence after clearing Stage FC for the first time
- Achievements
Other Translations
Spell Card comments
Momiji's Techniques
ラウンドフォース 回転しつつ自分の周囲を弾幕ごと斬り伏せる技。 威力は高くないが、攻撃範囲が広く咄嗟の回避に重宝する。 |
Round Force [1] Spin around to cut down the danmaku in your immediate vicinity. Not very powerful, but has wide range that makes it great for dodging on short notice. | |
クイックスタブ 移動しつつ突きを繰り出す技。 技発動中は極短時間だが被弾しなくなる為、レーザーのすり抜けに 重宝する。 |
Quick Stab Dash forward while thrusting your sword. Though it's extremely brief, you're invincible for the duration, which makes it great for dashing through lasers. | |
短時間、通常Shotによる溜め速度とWay数が減るが 威力を高める補助技。 斬撃の届かない相手に対する攻撃手段として使われる。 |
Groundrunner A support skill that briefly reduces your normal shot's charge speed and bullet count in exchange for increasing its power. Can be used to attack enemies that your sword can't reach. |
疾走居合 標的に向かいダッシュで近づきながら抜刀し、自分の周りを弾幕ごと 斬り刻む技。 突進中、後は短時間だが被弾しなくなる。 |
Rapid Iai Slash [2] Unsheathe your sword while dashing closer to your target, slashing all the danmaku in your vicinity. Though brief, you're invincible during and just after the dash. | |
一回転しつつ剣を振り回して持ち上げ、遠心力をつけて叩き斬る技。 予備動作が長いが威力も高い。 |
Jaw Splitter [3] Swings your sword in a circle while heaving it into the air, then slams it down with centrifugal force. Has a long wind-up, but does a lot of damage. | |
練気 気を練り上げ、刃に纏わせることで一定時間通常斬撃のリーチと 威力を向上させる補助技。 |
Spirit Tempering A support skill that tempers spirit around your sword, increasing the range and damage of your regular slashes for a set period of time. |
狼牙天衝 前方を超高速で斬り払い、斬撃による衝撃波を飛ばす大技。 衝撃波にも弾幕を消し飛ばす威力がある。 |
Wolf Fang Skywave A dramatic move that slashes in front of you at extreme speed, firing a shockwave forward. The shockwave does damage and erases danmaku as well. | |
ラジアルエッジストーム 雄叫びと共に岩石を隆起させ、操って攻撃するとてもZな大技。 自分の周りを周回する岩石が標的にダメージを与えつつ弾幕をかき消す為、 攻撃と防御を両立させる事ができる。 |
Radial Edge Storm [4] A very "Z"-esque move that kicks up rocks with a howl and manipulates them to attack. The rocks both deal damage and erase danmaku as they spin around you, so it can serve both offensive and defensive purposes. | |
次元斬 遠くの標的を空間ごと斬り刻み、遠隔攻撃を行う大技。 集中力を要する技の為、一定時間移動ができなくなるが威力が高い。 |
Dimension Slash [5] A dramatic move that attacks from a distance by slashing the fabric of space around a distant target. Since it requires concentration, you can't move for a set period of time, but it does high damage. |
回天剣舞・ 回転しながら6連続で自分の周りに斬撃を繰り出し、弾幕ごと 敵を斬り刻む奥義。その斬撃は蓮の花を想起させる。 他の技に追随を許さない広い攻撃範囲を持つ。 |
Whirling Sword Dance: Sixhill Lotus [6] A master technique that slices the area around you 6 times while rotating, slashing enemy and danmaku both. The sword's arc resembles a lotus flower. Boasts a wide attack range that no other move can match. | |
ファングスティンガー 助走距離無き状態から上半身のバネの勢いのみで 超高速の突進突きを繰り出す奥義。 突進中、後は長時間被弾しなくなる。 |
Fang Stinger A master technique that uses nothing but upper-body flexibility to thrust forward at extreme speed from point-blank range. You're invincible during the dash, and for a long period after. | |
次元斬・絶 次元斬を技としてより洗練させ、更なる威力と攻撃範囲を生み出した奥義。 高い集中力を要する為、長時間移動ができなくなるが絶大なる威力を持つ。 |
Dimension Slash: Severance [7] A master technique created by refining Dimension Slash for even higher power and range. Since it requires heavy concentration, you can't move for a long time, but it boats extremely high damage. |
フィルム装填率が100%まで溜まったら、撮影ボタンを押して離せば撮影可能。 | Once the film is at 100%, you can press the shot button to take pictures. | |
隙を見てボスに接近して撮影してみよう。 | Try watching for spaces to draw close to the boss, then shoot. | |
撮影中、撮影ボタンを押し続けると、一定時間フォーカスを動かす事が出来る。 | When shooting, holding the shot button lets you move the focus around for a fixed time. | |
弾を撮影した後の光の粒は、フィルム装填率を少しだけ回復させる。 | The drops of light left after you capture danmaku help reload the film a little. | |
フィルム装填率を高速で回復させる方法は、撮影ボタンと低速ボタンを同時押し。 | If you hold both the shot and focus button, the camera will recharge faster. | |
ボスが弾を出す瞬間を狙って撮影しよう。 | Aim to capture the moment when the boss fires her bullets. | |
ボスが「カッ」と言っている瞬間がシャッターチャンス! | When the boss goes "tock", it's a shutter chance! | |
撮影回数に制限はないが、制限時間を過ぎるとボスが逃げてしまうので急ごう。 | You have unlimited pictures, but if you run out of time, the boss will flee, so hurry. | |
撮影ボタンを押して、すぐに離せば自分の周りの弾幕が消せる。 | If you quickly press and release the shot button, you can clear danmaku near you. | |
弾幕を消すためだけに写真を撮ることも悪くはない。 | Taking pictures just to clear the danmaku isn't such a bad idea, either. | |
細かい操作方法やシステムはポーズメニューからも確認出来る。 | You can check the Game Manual and how-to-play from the pause menu. | |
得点は、撮影成功した写真の評価点の合計。それ以外で点数が増えることはない。 | Your score is the total points from all successful pictures. Others don't add to your score. | |
スコアは成功した写真の評価点の合計。それ以外の行為では一切点数が入らないぞ。 | Your score is the total points from all successful pictures. Other acts don't count. | |
ボスが映っていない写真(失敗写真)は評価外。スコアにも加算されない。 | Pictures without the boss in them (failures) are not evaluated. They don't add to your score. | |
基本的に弾幕が激しいときに撮影すると、点数が高い。 | In general, taking pictures when there are lots of bullets will earn more points. | |
写真は敵弾が沢山写って華やかな方が評価点が高い。 | The more wild and colorful the bullets you capture, the higher your score. | |
小さな弾より大きめの弾の方が点数が高い。また、速度が速いほど高いぞ。 | Bigger danmaku earns more points than smaller. Faster danmaku, as well. | |
たまには思い切ってボスに近づいてみたり、裏に回ってみたりすると良いことも。 | Sometimes it's a good idea to get right up close to a boss, or even behind them. | |
様々な条件を満たすと評価点にボーナスが入ることもある。 | There are various requirements you can fulfill to earn bonus points, as well. | |
どうでもいいボーナスも多々ある。 | There are also lots of trivial bonuses. | |
写真に自分が写っていると少し嬉しい。 | It feels kind of nice to see yourself in your pictures. |
会話シーンはゲームを起動する度に初回のみ再生。オプションでOFFにもできるぞ。 | Dialogue scenes will only play one time, each time you boot up the game. You can also turn them off in the Options menu. | |
難しくて進められない人は低レベルのシーンを沢山クリアしてみるといいぞ。 | If you're stuck on a hard level, you can still unlock the ones past it by clearing earlier, easier scenes. | |
PCスペックの関係で処理落ちが酷い人はオプションで緩和できるかもしれない。 | If you're experiencing bad lag as a result of your PC specs, you may be able to mitigate it via the Options menu. | |
メリーシェパードは羊の妖精ではなく羊飼いの妖精らしい。 | Marry Shepherd is apparently a shepherd fairy, not a sheep fairy. | |
コリンの羽は虚弱体質のため肩より上に上がらない。 | Corin's got a weak constitution, so she can't lift her wings above her shoulders. | |
妖怪の山の何処かにパスカル博士のプラネタリウムがあるらしい。 | I hear that Dr. Pescar has a planetarium somewhere on the Youkai Mountain. | |
無々夢が6枚羽じゃないのは本気を出していない証。 | You can tell that Mumumu isn't fighting seriously because she doesn't have all 6 wings. | |
ジャネットは元人間の為か、天使の翼がどこか作り物っぽい。 | Janet's angel wings are kind of fake-looking, possibly because she was originally human. | |
ミシェルの外套は神の加護により、異国の地でも着用者を守ってくれる。 | Michel's overcoat carries God's blessing with it, and protects its wearer even in foreign lands. | |
イシュアは実は密かに駄洒落が好きなんじゃないカナ。 | Is it just me, or does Iesua secretly have a thing for terrible puns? [8] | |
エルフィンミントの近くに居る使い魔はザンクローと言うらしいが本当だろうか。 | The familiar that hangs out with Elfin Mint is apparently named Zankrow[9], but who knows if it's true. | |
木霊たちの髪型を全種類合体させると杏の髪型になる。 | If you put together all the kodamas' individual hair styles, you get An's. | |
薬子の元気ドリンクは意外と実用的。たまに起こる思わぬ副作用に目を瞑れば。 | Kusuko's energy drinks are more useful than you'd expect. I mean, if you ignore the unexpected side effects that happen every so often. | |
暇な時の百々は花火を作って生計を立てている。 | When she's bored, Momo makes fireworks that she sells for a living. | |
サラカの鎌にはサラカエルという名が彫られている。 | Saraka's scythe has the name "Sarakiel" engraved on it. | |
大天狗様はうどんが大好き。夜な夜な変装して屋台へ通うらしい。 | The Great Tengu loves udon. I hear she visits street stalls for it in disguise, like, every night. | |
杏は着物のせいか大人びて見えるが、脳みそは妖精に毛が生えた程度。 | An's kimono might make her look mature, but she's only a little smarter than your average fairy. | |
命廟は本当はメガネ無しでも平気らしい。 | Apparently, Mitama can actually see just fine without her glasses. | |
リコはあくまでボーカ…歌い手専門の為、自分では曲を作れないらしい。 | Riko is only a Voca--*cough* singing specialist, so she doesn't compose any songs by herself. | |
初名ちゃんが自分で考えたスペル名はたいてい禍公様にダメ出しされる。 | Most of the spell names that Hatsuna comes up with by herself get shot down by Lady Magakimi pretty fast. | |
瑠璃の身体が損傷したらありがたいお札を貼っておくと治る。 | If Ruri's body gets injured, she can slap some much-appreciated amulets on it and it'll heal right up. | |
皇女は外を歩く時目立たないよう一般人に変装し『お安』と名乗るらしい。 | When Himemiko goes out for a walk, she disguises herself as a common citizen and goes by "Oyasu" to avoid standing out. | |
埴得はいつ桃源宮を退職するんだろう。 | When is Hanie going to quit working at the Tougenkyuu, anyway? | |
海の宰相らしくセーラー服を着てみた事もある垂神だが、恥ずかしすぎて即捨てた。 | Tarumi tried wearing a sailor uniform to look more like an ocean minister this one time, but it was so embarrassing she threw it out right away. | |
名無しのルルイエ妖精は地味に一般妖精と異なる専用グラフィックを持つ。 | It doesn't stand out much, but the Nameless R'lyeh Fairy actually has her own special sprite compared to normal fairies. | |
新潟県にはもも太郎というご当地アイスがある。苺味である事は桃姫も知らない。 | Niigata prefecture has a local ice cream called Momotaro. Not even Momohime knows that it's actually strawberry flavor. | |
夜刀神は谷(やつ)の神という意味で、本当は剣はあんまり関係ありません。 | Despite containing the kanji for 'blade,' "Yato-no-kami" actually means "gods of valleys." They don't have much to do with swords. | |
清姫の煙管からはたまに虹色の煙が立ち登っている。一体何を吸ってるんだ…。 | Sometimes, rainbow smoke comes out of Kiyohime's pipe. What on earth is she smoking...? | |
ファブリティスとイフォーニアはお互いをファム・フォニーと呼び合う仲。 | Fabritis and Iphonea are so close that they call each other Fam and Phonie. | |
ファブリティスとイフォーニアは毎朝お互いに相方の髪型をセットし合う仲。 | Fabritis and Iphonea are so close that they do each other's hair every morning. | |
鳶子のカメラは二眼レフ。旧式だがシンプルな構造の為故障しづらい。 | Tobiko's camera is a twin-lens reflex type. It's old, but its simple structure means it doesn't break down easily. | |
シェリアのメガネの下にはクマがある。睡眠、削っちゃダメ。 | Shelia's glasses hide some terrible eye bags. Make sure you get enough sleep. | |
女子高生としてやっている時の一曜はメガネをかけた地味な姿らしい。お約束。 | When Ichiyou's on the clock as a regular high-schooler, she apparently wears glasses and looks really plain. Like that one stereotype. | |
禰津は大妖怪として畏怖される事が好き。なのでかわいいとか言われたくない。 | Nezu likes inspiring fear as a powerful youkai, so she hates it when people call her cute. | |
74番目の悪魔としてラーペなんて創作悪魔もネットの片隅には存在しているとか。 | You can find a made-up 74th demon named, like, Rarphe on some corners of the internet too. Or something. | |
真田丸の「丸」とは魔除けの言霊らしい。呪われた妖刀のくせに。 | The "maru" in "Sanadamaru" is apparently a word that has evil-warding powers. Even though she's a cursed sword and everything. | |
ヴィンカワーズは異変解決をした事もあるらしいがどうにも嘘臭い。 | Vinkawars says she resolved an incident this one time, but the whole thing sounds totally fishy. |
Dialogue upon unlocking Tobiko
BGM: ニュースレイヴン出撃! |
BGM: News Raven Sortie! | |
Tobiko |
やぁ二人共、 |
Greetings, you two! |
Aya |
今更ですがどなたでしょう |
It's a little late to ask, but who even are you. |
Tobiko |
嫌だなぁ、恥ずかしがる必要は無いのだよ。 君達も『声』を聞いたろう? |
Oh, don't be like that! There's no need to be shy. You also heard the "voice", did you not? |
Hatate |
さて、次の |
Yeah, okay, off to the next |
Tobiko |
待ちたまえ。 僕は鴉天狗の鷹藤鳶子。 |
Wait. I am the crow tengu, Tobiko Takatou. |
Hatate |
知らない |
Don't care. |
Aya |
そんな真実も要らない |
Don't need that particular truth, either. |
Tobiko |
天使――清らかなる雲上の翼 望遠に優れた僕のカメラは |
You wish to interview the angels-- those wings that My camera, blessed with telescopic vision, shall become |
Aya |
要点を3秒で |
You have 3 seconds to get to the point. |
Tobiko |
いつ出発する? 僕も同行しよう。 おっと、その前に僕の力を |
When are you headed out? Bring me with you. Ah, but you simply must allow me to display |
Hatate |
同行だってさ、どこへ連れてく? |
She says she wants to come with. Where should we take her? |
Aya |
精神病院 |
The loony bin. |
New Player Available!! | ||
おめでとうございます。 |
Congratulations. | |
条件を満たしましたので |
Because you have fulfilled the required tasks, | |
試しに今までの妖怪を |
We encourage you to now |
Dialogue upon completing Level FC
New Player Available!! | ||
おめでとうございます。 |
Congratulations. | |
条件を満たしましたので |
Because you have fulfilled the required tasks, | |
試しに今までの妖怪を |
We encourage you to now |
Exhibition Select Available!! | ||
おめでとうございます。 |
Congratulations. | |
条件を満たしましたので |
Because you have fulfilled the required tasks, | |
Exhibitionのシーンは全て |
All of the Exhibition scenes are very difficult. |
- ↑ A technique from the Monster Hunter series.
- ↑ One of Vergil's moves while wielding Yamato in the Devil May Cry series. "Rapid Slash" in the English version.
- ↑ Likely a reference to the sword technique Agito-wari ("Jaw Splitter") from the series Bleach.
- ↑ The name of Lycanroc's Z-Move in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. "Splintered Stormshards" in the English version.
- ↑ One of Vergil's moves while wielding Yamato in the Devil May Cry series. "Judgement Cut" in the English version.
- ↑ A reference to 回天剣舞・六連 (Kaiten Kenbu: Rokuren / "Whirling Heaven Sword Dance: Six-series"), a sword technique used by Shinomori Aoshi in the series Rurouni Kenshin. 麓蓮 (literally "foothill lotus") and 六連 are both pronounced "rokuren".
- ↑ One of Vergil's moves while wielding Yamato in the Devil May Cry series. "Judgement Cut Level 2" in the English version.
- ↑ Original JP line ends with "ka na," emphasized by being written in katakana, as a pun on Cana.
- ↑ "Zankurou", a corruption of "zakuro" (pomegranate).
- ↑ Tobiko's first lines here were originally used by Clause in the Len'en game Evanescent Existence.