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Ultimate Vitality of Imagination/Characters
Playable Characters
优哉游哉的乐园巫女 Leisurely Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei
心直口快的魔法使 Honest and Outspoken Magician Marisa Kirisame
和颜悦色的幻想记者 Amiable and Pleasant Reporter of Fantasy Aya Shameimaru
Hansha Shouyou
Hansha Shouyou | |
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Species |
Figment |
Abilities |
Changing colors |
Music Themes | |
流光溢彩之降临 |
Hansha Shouyou (晶耀泛纱 Shouyou Hansha) is the stage 1 midboss and boss, and the stage 5 midboss.
She was created from the raw imagination of Gensokyo's residents due to the Distant Sky Realm's approach, and serves as a self-appointed messenger of the Distant Sky Realm.
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帽子上挂的球可以用来反射光线,算是她的武器。 实际上是很单纯善良的,不过现在的她有更在意的事情。 出现在自机面前时似乎是在赶路的样子,自知不敌后就匆匆地跑走了。 |
○1面BOSS 想象的光之使者 晶耀泛纱 种族:想象 她是在光与色彩的想象中诞生的生命,在远空界散发的能量影响下,人们对天空奇异光彩的幻想使她获得了足够强大的力量。她的力量主要来自于地上的幻想乡居民,因此她诞生于地面,正在去往天空的路上。 |
○ Stage 1 Boss: Messenger of the Light of Imagination Hansha Shouyou Species: Figment She is a being born in the imagination of light and colour, under the influence of the energies emanating from the Distant Sky Realm, and the fantasy of the strange luminosity of the sky has given her sufficient power. Her power comes mainly from the inhabitants of Gensokyo on earth, so she was born on the ground and is on her way to the sky. |
在抵达远空界后她拥有了更加强大的力量,夜晚,远空界的光芒也变得更加耀眼。随着远空界的扩张,这个世界不再躲藏在云后,逐渐开始大大方方地显露自己的光芒与引力。 人们对光芒的想象,是她存在的根本。她与灵梦等人在接近中心的路上相遇,主场作战使她觉得她的力量已经足以战胜灵梦等人了。 |
Claribel Louisa
Claribel Louisa | |
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Species |
Human |
Abilities |
Traveling through spacetime (not fully controllable) |
Music Themes | |
迷迷糊糊的时空表演 |
Claribel Louisa (克拉丽贝尔·路易莎) is the stage 2 midboss and boss, and the stage 4 midboss.
A human from the far future of the Outside World, selected for an experiment to make contact with the Distant Sky Realm. As a result of the experiment, she was flung back in time to present-day Gensokyo.
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○2面BOSS 迷失的未来旅者 克拉丽贝尔·路易莎 种族:人类 出生在未来的外界的她,因为执行任务要回到过去,却意外来到了幻想乡。她所携带的设备以及通讯工具都失效了。 |
○ Stage 2 Boss: Lost Traveler from the Future Claribel Louisa Species: Human Born in the outside world of the future, she had to go back to the past for a mission, but she accidentally came to Gensokyo. The equipment she was carrying, as well as her communication tools, failed. |
她同样受到了远空光芒的吸引,她同样感觉到自己身体某处的力量在增强,而似乎正是这种力量使她能够进行时空穿梭。她试图接近那个光芒去尝试掌控这种力量。 而实际上,是在未来世界里,她的身体受到了改造,使她可以利用这种漫延在天空的力量。人类发现了这片领域,研发飞行器去探索这个地方。 在夜空中与灵梦等人相遇的她并没有在意她们,但被突如其来的攻击吓了一跳。她并不知道,在受到这样的袭击之后,她潜在的报复心激发她进行了时空穿梭,回到了几小时前的过去。 |
Ryouki Kiririn
Ryouki Kiririn | |
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Species |
Tsukumogami |
Abilities |
Disregarding principles to make objects function as intended |
Music Themes | |
飞驰于天空的废铁浪漫 |
Ryouki Kiririn (雾凛凉纪 Kiririn Ryouki) is the stage 3 boss, as well as one of the Extra stage midbosses.
Ostensibly a train tsukumogami, but actually born from the collective sorrow of the victims of a train derailment. During the main game, she encounters the protagonists while investigating the cause of a recent improvement in her abilities. During the Extra Stage, she fights the protagonists on their way to the EX boss, after learning about her past and receiving advice from the EX boss.
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○3面BOSS 超越原理的蒸汽列车长 雾凛凉纪 种族:付丧神 她是废弃的蒸汽列车变成的妖怪。 她的能力可以无视过程和原理让物体拥有应有的效果, 受到异变的影响,她让列车飞上了天空。偶尔会看到妖怪和人类被她吓了一跳, |
○Stage 3 Boss: Steam Train Conductor Who Transcends Principles Ryouki Kiririn Species: Tsukumogami |
离开天空的她,在森林中遇到了一位隐士。那个人看出来凉纪似乎有什么心事,似乎还在寻找某些答案。 「你有什么心事吗?」 知道了自己过去的凉纪本来是悲伤的,但是那个人却轻松地改变了她的心情,让她接纳了自己的过去,并不再为之烦心。 |
Enyuu Yumeiki
Enyuu Yumeiki | |
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Species |
Youkai(?) / former Figment |
Abilities |
Manipulating direction |
Music Themes | |
远方的指引者 |
Enyuu Yumeiki (梦行远游 Yumeiki Enyuu) is the stage 4 boss and one of the Extra stage midbosses.
A Figment originally born in the Distant Sky Realm, who left to explore the world outside. After losing her sense of purpose and wandering the world, she eventually became a more youkai-like being, and received advice from the EX boss that renewed her sense of purpose.
(*The reading of this character's name is currently unconfirmed.)
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○4面BOSS 逃离又归来的旅行家 梦行远游 在那位神刚开始改造意识世界时,她拥有了自由的自我意识。她不愿意被束缚在当时还是一片虚无,还没有什么形体的意识世界中,尝试离开这个世界。 远游试图进入远空界,试图回到她诞生的地方,但她却遭到了排斥。 简洁的远空界的设定: 不知何时,幻想乡的高空出现了这么一片地方,从中心源源不断地产生能量,又不断地与世间万物的意识产生融合。它悄悄地延伸进了幻想乡,随着自身的扩张,它的光芒逐渐被地上的人们注意到。 |
○ Stage 4 boss: Fleeing and Returning Traveler _____ Species: Youkai? |
她现在知道了,灵梦等人一直在寻找的,异变的源头,便是曾经帮助过她的那位隐士,明隐玄思。 玄思不知是用了怎样的能力,使她走出了消沉的状态,开始重新构筑自己人生的价值。 |
Akhenaten Kyoshin
Akhenaten Kyoshin | |
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Species |
Figment |
Abilities |
Manipulating gravity (Kyoshin) |
Music Themes | |
万物凝心的太阳使者 |
Akhenaten Kyoshin (爱赫娜特恩·凝心) is the stage 5 boss and stage 6 midboss.
A Figment born for the purpose of administrating the Distant Sky Realm, who draws power from legends of sun gods such as Aten.
Accompanying her is Recht (雷希特), a Figment created from legends of a deep-sea creature that punishes those who break the law.
(*The reading of this character's name is partially unconfirmed.)
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○5面BOSS 远空领域的支配者 爱赫娜特恩·凝心 种族:想象 她是远空界的居民对世界中心想象的化身,对远空界管理者想象的化身。 |
○ Stage 5 Boss: Ruler of the Distant Sky Territory Akhenaten ____ Species: Figment |
她其实还是不放心,就又过来检查了一下。 她也知道,灵梦等人不是什么坏人,要是她们真的在里头丢了命,她也过意不去。她还是很善良的。 |
○凝心思想的执行者 雷希特 种族:想象 |
○ Executor of Concentrated Thought Recht Species: Figment |
Shinyoku Shigenku
Shinyoku Shigenku | |
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Species |
Figment |
Abilities |
Creating imagination |
Music Themes | |
空想信仰的神造耀光 ~ Effulgent World of Consciousness |
Shinyoku Shigenku (神欲知现空) is the stage 6 boss.
An imaginary being who serves as a projection of a higher-dimensional god. Created a point of contact between the Distant Sky Realm, a realm of pure imagination, and Gensokyo, thus paving the way for the game's main incident to take place.
(*The reading of this character's name is currently unconfirmed.)
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○空与想的神明 神欲知现空 种族:神明、想象、和…… 无名的祂拥有了在这个世界中的存在。祂的意识并没有那么局限,可以允许多个自身的存在。于是,神欲知现空作为远空界的神,作为祂的存在在这个世界被认知到的表现,诞生了。 |
○ God of the Sky and Thought ____ ____ Species: God, Figment, etc... |
○6面主线BOSS 神欲知现空 她很佩服地上人的实力与精神力,于是玩得更加开心了一些。在见识到灵梦等人的强大之处后,「祂」直接在她们面前现身了。 |
○ Stage 6 Normal Route Boss ____ ____ |
○6面支线BOSS 神欲知现空 能力: 创造想象程度的能力、无视时空界限程度的能力。 神欲知现空在不同时空进行了不同程度的干涉,导致了不同时间点,宇宙总能量的不平衡。 在她乘坐飞行器进入天空世界时,地上的人类对她抱有时空穿越者的想象,这种想象让她在远空界中获得了时空穿梭的能力。 现在,贸然进入到黑洞内部的灵梦等人也受到了类似的特殊待遇。她们并没有真正地进入黑洞,而是在神欲知现空的保护下,进入了一条她创造的、符合人类对黑洞内部想象的、时空的隧道。 这种跨越时空的力量,同样属于「祂」。而灵梦等人也在这里认识到了,「神欲知现空」是某种超出这个世界规格的存在。 |
○ Stage 6 Alternate Route Boss ____ ____ Ability: Capable of creating imagination, capable of ignoring the boundaries of time and space. |
○??? 无名的存在 种族:??? 祂并不是属于这个世界的存在。这里的「世界」并不是指的幻想乡天空上出现的这片世界,而是指的是人类所处的、空间由三个维度组成的、时间单向流动的世界。 祂开始了解人类社会在这个宇宙中的存在,掌握了这个宇宙的意识世界和实在世界。因为这个宇宙的层级限制,祂眼中的很多东西只能部分地投影在这个宇宙中。 祂发现了,在地球46亿年左右的一个时间点,人类诞生文明几千年后,有一个合适的地方出现了,这里就是幻想乡。这里的有着较强的精神活跃度,并且与主要的人类社会隔绝。 祂享受到了成为造物主的趣味。而在人类的影响下,想象中开始诞生社会的概念,并且,对于这个世界的神,也就是对于祂本身的想象也出现了。她拥有创造想象的能力—— |
○ ??? Nameless Being Species: ??? She does not belong to this world. The 'world' here does not refer to this world that appears in the sky of Gensokyo, but to the world in which human beings live, in which space consists of three dimensions and in which time flows in one direction. She began to understand the existence of human society in this universe, grasping the world of consciousness and the real world of this universe. Because of the hierarchical limitations of this universe, much of what she sees can only be partially projected in this universe. She discovered that at a point in time around 4.6 billion years on Earth, thousands of years after the birth of civilization for mankind, a suitable place came into existence, and this was Gensokyo. This place has a strong spiritual activity and is isolated from the main human society. She enjoyed the fun of being the Creator. And under human influence, the concept of society began to be born in the imagination, and, for the
God of this world, that is, for her own imagination, also emerged. She had the power to create imagination—— |
Mei-in Genshi
Mei-in Genshi | |
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Species |
Youkai |
Abilities |
Awakening memories |
Music Themes | |
隐世的超人 ~ Hidden Desire |
Mei-in Genshi (明隐玄思) is the Extra Stage boss.
A youkai ascetic with ambitions to become a god, who lives secluded from the rest of the world as a result. After discovering a small point of contact between the Distant Sky Realm and Gensokyo, she accelerated the Distant Sky Realm's development by spreading vitality-strengthening mist throughout Gensokyo, which stimulated the imaginations of Gensokyo's residents.
(*The reading of this character's name is currently unconfirmed.)
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○Ex面BOSS 藏匿于山中的真正黑幕 明隐玄思 种族:妖怪 她是隐居幻想乡的山林里的,追求自我超越的妖怪。 回到山中的玄思失去精神了一段时间,但后来很快也恢复了。她再次望向天空时,发现云上仍闪烁着那样奇异的光芒。那次经历并不是梦。 在发动异变后的一两个月,玄思做的事情已经超过了她的预期。如果再这么闹下去对幻想乡就会造成过于不良的影响吧——她觉得应当收手了。 |
○ EX Stage Boss: The True Mastermind Who Hides in the Mountains ____ ____ Species: Youkai
Ability: Capable of awakening memories / Capable of stimulating the ultimate power inside all things |