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Unconnected Marketeers/Characters
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Playable Characters
In Unconnected Marketeers, there are four playable characters to choose from.
楽園の素敵な巫女 Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei
普通の魔法使い Ordinary Magician Marisa Kirisame
瀟洒なメイド Elegant Maid Sakuya Izayoi
奇跡の現人神 Miraculous Living God Sanae Kochiya
Enemy Characters
商売繁盛の縁起物 Lucky Charm for Prosperous Commerce Mike Goutokuji
山奥のビジネス妖怪 Business Youkai of the Mountain's Recess Takane Yamashiro
高地に棲む山女郎 Highland-Dwelling Yamajorou Sannyo Komakusa
本物の勾玉制作職人 Genuine Magatama-Producing Craftsman Misumaru Tamatsukuri
耳元で囁く邪悪な白狐 A Wicked White Fox Who Whispers in Ears Tsukasa Kudamaki
鴉天狗の大将 Chief of the Crow Tengu Megumu Iizunamaru
無主物の神 The God of the Unowned Chimata Tenkyuu
黒きドラゴンイーター Onyx Dragon-Eater Momoyo Himemushi
- Although Sakuya and Sanae are recurring playable characters throughout the series, Unconnected Marketeers is the only official Touhou game that features both of them together in a playable capacity.
- This excludes Touhou Hisoutensoku, in which Sakuya is only playable once the game has been linked to Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.