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Unconnected Marketeers/Story/Sanae's Extra
< | Sanae's Scenario Extra Story |
Story | Afterword | > |
終末への採掘 |
Mining that Leads to the End Times | |
虹龍洞 |
Rainbow Dragon Cave | |
BGM: 幻想の地下大線路網 |
BGM: The Great Fantastic Underground Railway Network | |
Tsukasa Kudamaki ENTERS | ||
Tsukasa |
何かと都合が良いと思って 坑道を荒らしに来るようなら 人間らしく死ね! |
I let you off easy before, But if you're going to cause trouble in the Die like the pitiful human you are! |
Tsukasa Kudamaki DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
神奈子様はアビリティカードを ここの鉱坑の事を |
Lady Kanako seems to have but it is really alright to |
Momoyo Himemushi ENTERS | ||
??? |
誰だおめーは |
You're... not Tsukasa. Who are ya!? |
Sanae |
私は東風谷早苗 |
I am Sanae Kochiya, |
??? |
守矢神社、か ああ、その憎らしい面は |
The Moriya Shrine, huh? Ahh, yep. That's your |
黒きドラゴンイーター |
Onyx Dragon Eater | |
Momoyo |
Heh-heh-heh. Beg your pardon. I'm the Rainbow Dragon Cave's foreman. |
Sanae |
私が個人的に知りたいのです |
There's something I personally want to know |
Momoyo |
個人的に、だ? じゃあなんでさっき |
Personally? Then why'd you introduce yourself |
Sanae |
あ、それは癖で…… |
Oh, that was just out of habit... |
Misumaru Tamatsukuri ENTERS | ||
Misumaru |
危ない! 東風谷早苗くん |
Be careful! That oomukade is extremely dangerous, |
Momoyo |
今度は誰だ!? |
Another one of ya!? Who are you!? |
Misumaru |
私は玉造 魅須丸 お前達の行為はとても |
I am Misumaru Tamatsukuri, Your actions have been wholly unacceptable. |
Momoyo |
なん、だと? |
Whazzat? |
Tsukasa Kudamaki ENTERS | ||
Momoyo |
また誰か来た! |
Another one! |
Tsukasa |
百々世どの そこのカラフルな魅須丸って奴が 目の前の人間と結託して、 |
Miss Momoyo, I'm not a thief. This colorful "Misumaru" character She's colluding with the human before you |
Sanae |
はあ? |
Huh? |
Tsukasa |
このままでは虹龍洞は しかしこの事はまだ いったん飯綱丸様に報告して |
At this rate, we'll have no choice but to But Master Iizunamaru doesn't I shall return and report to her, |
Momoyo |
ふっふっふ、待て こいつらがここにいることは |
*Chuckle*. Hang on. You just said that Iizunamaru doesn't |
Tsukasa |
……ええ |
......That is correct. |
Momoyo |
大暴れ出来るチャンスじゃないか 盗掘者相手に天狗の判断など要らぬ この場で徹底的に叩きのめしてやろう! |
Well, ain't this a chance to go all out? We don't need the tengu's judgement just for I'll pummel 'em into the dirt here and now! |
Tsukasa |
…… |
...... |
Misumaru |
不味いですね こいつは大ムカデ 貴方は勝たなければいけません |
How unfortunate. We're about to get into a Your opponent is an oomukade, You must win against her. |
Card Select Phase | ||
Misumaru |
良いカードを選んだ? |
Have you chosen a good card? |
Misumaru Tamatsukuri and Tsukasa Kudamaki LEAVES | ||
Sanae |
…… 次々と登場人物が出てきて |
... So many characters keep showing up |
BGM: 龍王殺しのプリンセス |
BGM: The Princess Who Slays Dragon Kings | |
Momoyo |
準備は出来たか? |
Are you finished getting ready? |
Sanae |
私はただ、ここで掘り出している |
I just wanted to know about |
Momoyo |
だったら教えてやろう! 喜び震えよ! |
Then I shall tell you! Tremble in joy! |
Momoyo Himemushi DEFEATED | ||
Momoyo |
……き 気持ちいい! 思う存分弾幕を撃たせてくれて 守矢神社も悪くないじゃないか 飯綱丸はいつも悪く言ってるけど |
...That... felt AWESOME! Thanks for letting me shoot all Dang, I guess the Moriya Shrine ain't so bad either. Even though Iizunamaru's always badmouthin' the place. |
Sanae |
え? |
Eh? |
Momoyo |
何でも無いぜ そうだ、約束だったな |
It was nothin'. Ah yeah, our promise. |
Sanae |
え? 約束? |
Hm? Promise? |
Momoyo |
おいおい、弾のカスりすぎで ここで掘っている物について |
Oi, oi. Did you lose your memory You said you wanted to know more about |
Sanae |
あー |
Ahh. |
Momoyo |
ここは龍珠鉱山だ 龍珠は魔力に反応して違う |
This is a dragon gem mine. It's a prime spot for They react to different types of magic |
Sanae |
はー、それは綺麗そうですねぇ |
Huh, that sounds beautiful. |
Momoyo |
そりゃ綺麗さ 何故輝きが異なるかというと、 龍珠を使えば、能力のコピーが |
Well they are! They glow in different colors Using dragon gems lets you |
Sanae |
なるほど、それがアビリティカード…… |
I see, and that's how the Ability Cards work... |
Momoyo |
ま、実際にはコピーできるけど どうやってアビリティカードを 飯綱丸は確か……市場の神の力を |
Well, they can copy the magic, but apparently I dunno how they completed I think Iizunamaru said that... |
Sanae |
……よく判りました えー、っとお名前何でしたっけ? |
...I understand. Umm, what was your name again? |
Momoyo |
俺か? |
Me? |
Sanae |
百々世さん、見かけによらず そんな見た目で約束守って |
You're much more kind than your I didn't think you'd honor your promise, |
Momoyo |
喧嘩売ってるのか? 最高だ。その喧嘩、買おう! |
You pickin' a fight with me? Perfect! I'll take you up on that offer! |
Sanae |
あ、ごめんなさい |
Ah, I'm sorry. |
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