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Unconnected Marketeers/Translation
The English transcript of Unconnected Marketeers for your reading pleasure.
The Japanese transcript has also been included in order to encourage fellow translators to chip in and make our translations more accurate/helpful.
- Prologue - The background story
- Extra Story - The background story for the extra stage
- Afterword - ZUN's afterword
- Music Comments - ZUN's music comments
- Readme - readme.txt
Other Translations
Spell Cards
- Main article: Spell Cards
A list of translations of the spell cards appearing in Unconnected Marketeers.
遊び方 | How to play the game | |
○1.ゲームの進め方 | 1. How to play | |
敵弾に当らないように避けて、敵を撃破するゲームです。 各ステージの最後にはボスが居ますので、それをやっつけるとステージクリアです。 |
In this game, you shoot down your enemies while dodging their bullets. Each stage has a boss at the end, and when you defeat that boss, you clear the stage. Put your memorization skills and technique to use, and confront a short-term battle where concentration is key. | |
〇2.ストーリー | 2. Story | |
---At the Hakurei Shrine.
| |
○3.操作方法 | 3. Controls | |
・上下左右:自機の操作 ・SHOTキー(Zキー):ショット |
-Up, down, left, right: Control your character -Shot key (Z): Shoot *Special controls | |
○4.アビリティカード | 4. Ability Cards | |
アビリティカードとは、誰かの能力が封じ込められたカードです。 それを所有しているだけで様々な効果が出ます。 |
Ability Cards are cards with somebody's ability sealed within. Just by possessing them, you can benefit from various effects. | |
○5.アビリティカードのタイプ | 5. Ability Card Types | |
There are 4 main types of Ability Cards.
| |
〇6.アイテム | 6. Items | |
霊力アップアイテム:沢山取るとパワーアップします 金アイテム:カードを買うのに必要な資金力 |
Spirit Power Items: Grab a lot and you'll power up. Money Items: the financial resources you need to buy cards. | |
○7.得点システム | 7. Scoring System | |
お金アイテムを取得すると資金力に応じた点数が入ります。 画面の上部で取れば取るほど点数は高いです。 また、敵弾を倒したときに出る緑点アイテムも つまり、お金を持っていればいるほど点数が稼げます。 また、フルパワーの場合は、パワーアップアイテムも ちなみに敵を早く倒すとアイテムが多く出る事がありますよ。 |
Collecting Money Items will increase your score by a value based on your Financial Strength. The higher up on the screen you collect them, the higher their value is. Also, the Green Point Items that appear when you delete enemy bullets In short, the more money you have, the higher a score you can get. Also, when you're at full power, Power-Up Items will also give By the way, defeating enemies quickly will sometimes spawn more items. |
Intro Screen
- 当ゲームはフィクションであり、登場する人物、団体等は幻想入りしています。
- This game is a work of fiction. All characters and organizations that appear have passed into fantasy.
Difficulty Levels
Like most of the other Windows games, each of the difficulty levels has a special name and a short summary.
貴族級 | EASY Mode | 敵ですら接待してくれます |
Noble Level | Easy Mode | Even the enemies will give you a warm welcome. |
庶民級 | NORMAL Mode | 優しさと厳しさを兼ね備えた難易度です |
Commoner Level | Normal Mode | A difficulty level that's both forgiving and strict. |
世捨て人級 | HARD Mode | 自ら厳しさを求める人向けの難易度です |
Vagrant Level | Hard Mode | A difficulty level for those who seek out harshness of their own accord. |
虚無僧級 | LUNATIC Mode | 何故か執拗に攻撃されますが気にしません |
Komusou Level | Lunatic Mode | You'll get stubbornly attacked for some reason, but you don't mind. |
楽市楽座級 | EXTRA Mode | 市場は開かれた。もう市場に神はいない。 |
Free Markets & Open Guilds Level | Extra Mode | The markets are open. No god stands in the marketplace any longer. |
Stage Titles
There are six stages and one extra stage in the full version of the game.
Stage 1 | 「私雨、その後に Chase rainbows」 | After an Isolated Shower ~ Chase rainbows |
Stage 2 | 「深奥の民 Secret Green Cliff」 | People of the Far Depths ~ Secret Green Cliff |
Stage 3 | 「尊き高原に穿つ洞 Mine of High Land」 | A Cave Boring Into the High, Noble Plains ~ Mine of High Land |
Stage 4 | 「 |
Izanagi Objects ~ Mine of Izanagi Object |
Stage 5 | 「大空は誰の物なのか Spectral Hierarchy」 | To Whom Does the Vast Sky Belong? ~ Spectral Hierarchy |
Stage 6 | 「月虹市場 Lunar Rainbow Market」 | Lunar Rainbow Market ~ Lunar Rainbow Market |
Extra Stage | 「終末への採掘 Apocalyptic Mining」 | Mining that Leads to the End Times ~ Apocalyptic Mining |
Main Game
Reimu Hakurei
追尾と集中のバランスタイプ 楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Balance Type of Pursuit & Concentration Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei | |
ちまたに不思議なカードが流通していた。 そのカードには人間、妖怪達の 秘密が込められている様に感じ、 調査に行くしかないと思った。 |
Mysterious cards were circulating in the streets. She sensed that the secrets of humans and youkai were hidden within the cards, and felt she had no choice but to investigate. |
Marisa Kirisame
前方集中の高威力タイプ 普通の魔法使い 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Forward-Concentration High Power Type Ordinary Magician Marisa Kirisame | |
ちまたに不思議なカードが流通していた。 カードには多種多様の魔力が込められていた。 こんなに面白いカード、他の人よりも早く 集めなければいけないと思った。 |
Mysterious cards were circulating in the streets. A myriad variety of magic powers were hidden in the cards. Faced with something so interesting, she thought she had to collect them faster than anyone else. |
Sakuya Izayoi
左右撃ちわけのトリッキータイプ 瀟洒なメイド 十六夜 咲夜 |
Tricky Type with a Left/Right Forking Shot Elegant Maid Sakuya Izayoi | |
ちまたに不思議なカードが流通していた。 そのカードにパチュリー様が非常に興味を持たれ、 全て回収するように命じられた。 中にはお嬢様の魔力が込められたカードもあり…… |
Mysterious cards were circulating in the streets. Lady Patchouli gained an extreme interest in the cards, and ordered her to collect every last one of them. Some of the cards even contained her mistress's magic power... |
Sanae Kochiya
ワイド&スプレッドの広範囲タイプ 奇跡の現人神 東風谷 早苗 |
Broad-Range Wide & Spread Type Miraculous Living God Sanae Kochiya | |
ちまたに不思議なカードが流通していた。 カードの売人は妖怪の山を中心に活動していた。 推測するにカードの生産元も近くにあるのではないか。 山にある守矢神社はそれを看過できなかった。 |
Mysterious cards were circulating in the streets. The card merchants' activity was centered around the Youkai Mountain. One could theorize that the cards' manufacturer was somewhere nearby, no? Given their position on the mountain, the Moriya Shrine couldn't turn a blind eye to this. |
Extra Stage
Reimu Hakurei
追尾と集中のバランスタイプ 楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Balance Type of Pursuit & Concentration Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Reimu Hakurei | |
洞窟奥でも息が出来るカードを手に入れた。 これでやっと、気になっていた 虹龍洞の奥に行くことが出来る。 あそこはまだ殆ど未調査なのだ。 |
She had obtained a card that let her breathe even in deep caverns. With this, she could finally explore the intriguing depths of the Rainbow Dragon Cave. Much of its interior had yet to be assessed. |
Marisa Kirisame
前方集中の高威力タイプ 普通の魔法使い 霧雨 魔理沙 |
Forward-Concentration High Power Type Ordinary Magician Marisa Kirisame | |
洞窟奥でも息が出来るカードを手に入れた。 これでやっと、気になっていた 虹龍洞の奥に行くことが出来る。 目的は勿論マジックアイテムだ。 少しでもくすねて、コレクションに加えたい。 |
She had obtained a card that let her breathe even in deep caverns. With this, she could finally explore the intriguing depths of the Rainbow Dragon Cave. Naturally, her sights were set on magic items. She wanted to swipe even just a few of them, and add them to her collection. |
Sakuya Izayoi
左右撃ちわけのトリッキータイプ 瀟洒なメイド 十六夜 咲夜 |
Tricky Type with a Left/Right Forking Shot Elegant Maid Sakuya Izayoi | |
洞窟奥でも息が出来るカードを手に入れた。 これでやっと、気になっていた 虹龍洞の奥に行くことが出来る。 パチュリー様は魅須丸という人物に 興味があるようだ。 |
She had obtained a card that let her breathe even in deep caverns. With this, she could finally explore the intriguing depths of the Rainbow Dragon Cave. It seemed that Lady Patchouli had an interest in this "Misumaru" character. |
Sanae Kochiya
ワイド&スプレッドの広範囲タイプ 奇跡の現人神 東風谷 早苗 |
Broad-Range Wide & Spread Type Miraculous Living God Sanae Kochiya | |
洞窟奥でも息が出来るカードを手に入れた。 これでやっと、気になっていた 虹龍洞の奥に行くことが出来る。 虹龍洞の不気味さを無視したまま アビリティカードは利用できないと考えた。 |
She had obtained a card that let her breathe even in deep caverns. With this, she could finally explore the intriguing depths of the Rainbow Dragon Cave. She believed that they couldn't make use of the Ability Cards while ignoring the Rainbow Dragon Cave's unsettling nature. |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |