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Undefined Fantastic Object/Story/Reimu A's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation | Reimu A's Extra Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
春の湊に舟の影 |
A Ship's Shadow at the Spring Harbor | |
残雪の道 |
The Road of Lingering Snow | |
BGM: 春の湊に |
BGM: At the Harbor of Spring | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あの飛行物体、速いわ! |
That flying thing is so fast! |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
??? |
狭い狭い幻想郷 |
Gensokyo is so cramped and small. |
ダウザーの小さな大将 |
The Little Dowser General | |
Nazrin |
そんなに急いでどこに行く? |
Where are you going in such a hurry? [1] |
Reimu |
邪魔よ! |
Out of my way! |
BGM: 小さな小さな賢い将 |
BGM: A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander | |
Nazrin |
そう? 残念ね |
Really? Too bad. |
Reimu |
こうしている間にも宝船が |
Even as we speak, that treasure ship |
Nazrin |
宝船? |
Treasure ship? |
Reimu |
馬鹿でもいいからそこをどいて! |
Fine, whatever, I'm stupid, now get out of my way! |
Nazrin |
宝を目指すのなら空を見ていてはいけない |
If you're looking for treasure, don't look in the sky. |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ああ、雲居に消えてしまったわ |
Aw, she disappeared into the clouds. |
Stage 2
雲に潜む一つ眼の化生 |
The One-eyed Monster Lurking in the Clouds | |
春の雲 |
The Spring Clouds | |
BGM: 閉ざせし雲の通い路 |
BGM: The Sealed Cloud Route | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa Tatara LEAVES | ||
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
??? |
ちょっと待ってよ〜 |
Hang on just a minute ... |
Reimu |
何よ |
What? |
??? |
そんなに邪険に扱わなくても良いじゃない |
You don't have to be so mean! |
Reimu |
私は目の前の船を追っているの |
I'm chasing that ship right in front of us. |
愉快な忘れ傘 |
The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella | |
BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を |
BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever | |
Kogasa |
船を追っているんなら |
Oh, you can play with me |
Reimu |
ふん。妖怪が暇なのは良い事だわ |
Hmph. It must be nice to be a youkai with spare time. |
Kogasa |
これだから人間は面白みが無いねぇ |
This is why humans aren't any fun. |
Reimu |
今の私にとって余裕なんて無駄よ |
Extra time is pointless for me right now. |
Kogasa |
無駄こそが美しさ |
But the pointlessness is what's really beautiful. |
Reimu |
Why am I getting lectured by a cursed umbrella!? |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
傘妖怪なんてさっさと墜落すればいいのに |
Just fall out of the sky, you stupid umbrella youkai. |
Kogasa |
ああ、人間はなんて無情なの |
Oh, humans are so cruel. |
Reimu |
あんたが倒されたがってたんじゃないの |
Hey, you looked like you wanted me to beat you. |
Kogasa |
さあ、さでずむ? |
I dunno, sadism? |
Reimu |
反対な気がするけど何でもいいや |
I think that's opposite, but whatever. |
Stage 3
高速の廃墟と巨人 |
The High-speed Ruins and the Giant | |
高速浮遊艇 |
The High-speed Floating Ship | |
BGM: スカイルーイン |
BGM: Sky Ruin | |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
妖精やら人間やら有象無象が |
Humans, fairies, and all, everyone seems to be |
Reimu |
宝物庫? |
Treasure room? |
??? |
問答無用! |
Well, no point in arguing! |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
??? |
いやはや、あの拳を見て逃げ出さない |
Oh! To think that there are still humans that |
Reimu |
やっぱりこの船、宝船? |
This ship really is a treasure ship, right? |
Ichirin Kumoi LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あ、逃げた |
Hey, she ran away. |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
何が目的なのかしら |
Just what are you after? |
Reimu |
宝が目当てよ! |
Treasure, of course! |
??? |
ふん |
Hmmm. |
Reimu |
でも、この船は余りにも殺風景だわ |
This ship looks pretty bleak, though. |
守り守られし大輪 |
The Big Wheel, Having Guarded and Been Guarded | |
Ichirin |
残念なお知らせだけど宝はもう無いの |
I regret to have to tell you there's no treasure left. |
Reimu |
なんだって? |
What was that? |
Ichirin |
空を飛ぶ力を持った宝物の数々 |
The treasure with the power to fly |
Reimu |
えー |
Huuh? |
Ichirin |
金銀財宝? |
Riches? |
Reimu |
がっくし |
This really sucks. |
Ichirin |
……え? |
... hm? |
Reimu |
集めてません |
No, I'm not. |
Ichirin |
雲山が嘘を吐く筈が無いわ |
Unzan would have no reason to lie. |
Reimu |
何の話か判らないわ! |
What the heck are you talking about? |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 |
BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
Ichirin |
いいのいいの |
It's okay. |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin |
何というお強さ。さぞ名のある御方に違いない |
You're quite strong. Unzan says you must be |
Reimu |
そ、そう? |
R-really? |
Ichirin |
貴方が集めた浮遊の欠片は |
The floating fragments you've collected are necessary |
Reimu |
宝は無いんでしょ? |
There's no treasure, right? |
Stage 4
聖輦と不吉な船長 |
The Unfortunate Captain of the Holy Palanquin | |
聖輦船内部 |
Inside the Palanquin Ship | |
BGM: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 |
BGM: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship | |
??? ENTERS | ||
??? LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
うん |
Yeah. |
Minamitsu Murasa ENTERS | ||
BGM: キャプテン・ムラサ |
BGM: Captain Murasa | |
??? |
誰か居るの? |
Is someone there? |
Reimu |
む、見逃しがあったみたいね |
Hmph, It looks like I missed something. |
??? |
そう、人間なのね? だったら、貴方の持っている飛宝を置いて この船はもうすぐ目的地に着く |
I see, you're human, right? |
Reimu |
目的地? |
Destination? |
水難事故の念縛霊 |
The Ghost Left from the Shipwreck | |
Minamitsu |
申し遅れました |
Oh, where are my manners? |
Reimu |
船長だって? |
Captain? |
Minamitsu |
この船はこの地を離れて聖が封印されている |
This ship will be leaving this land |
Reimu |
何を言っているのか判らんけど |
I don't understand what you're saying, but ... |
Minamitsu |
見逃せないとは? |
If you can't overlook it ... ? |
Reimu |
ここで船長を倒してこんな船 |
Then I'll just have to beat the captain |
Minamitsu |
言い忘れましたが、別天地に向かうに当って |
I forgot to mention this, but we absolutely need that treasure |
Reimu |
そんなもの集めていたっけ? |
You mean you're trying to get all these? |
Minamitsu |
ですから貴方は協力者かと思ったのですが |
So, I was hoping you'd co-operate with us, but ... |
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
Minamitsu |
これが数多の妖怪を葬ってきた力なのか |
This power's buried a lot of youkai, hasn't it? |
Reimu |
そうよ! |
That's right! |
Minamitsu |
何も悪い事していないんですけどね |
But we're not doing anything bad. |
Reimu |
まあ、妖怪っていうだけで悪いんじゃん? |
Of course you are, you're a youkai, right? |
Minamitsu |
妖怪を辞めるのは無理ですわ〜 |
I can't just stop being a youkai~ |
Reimu |
しかし、この船は止まらないわね |
Hm, this ship really isn't stopping, is it? |
Minamitsu |
自動操縦ですから |
It's in auto-mode. |
Reimu |
宝船じゃないと判ってから興味を |
Now that I know this isn't a treasure ship, |
Stage 5
魔界の赤黒い封印 |
The Red and Black Seal of the Underworld | |
魔界(法界上空) |
Makai (above Hokkai) | |
BGM: 魔界地方都市エソテリア |
BGM: Provincial Makai City Esoteria | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin |
おや? |
Hmm? |
Reimu |
あんた、どこかで会っていたっけ? |
Hmm, have we met somewhere before? |
Nazrin |
知らぬうちに宝物を見つけていた君を |
I see they must have brought you here to Makai |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ここは魔界かー |
So this is Makai? |
Shou Toramaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
待ってました! |
I've been waiting for you! |
Reimu |
失礼ね |
How rude. |
??? |
いや失礼した |
I'm sorry, you're quite right. |
Reimu |
積んでるつもりだけどね |
Well, I do mean to learn a lot while I'm here. |
毘沙門天の弟子 |
The Disciple of Bishamonten | |
Shou |
私は毘沙門天の代理 |
I am the representative of Bishamonten, Now that we have the jeweled pagoda Nazrin brought, We can break the seal here. |
Reimu |
私が持っている宝って、もしかして |
The treasure I brought? |
Shou |
UFO? さあ、私と共にこの法界に光を―― |
UFO? Now, together, let us bring light into Hokkai and- |
Reimu |
知らん! |
Who cares! |
Shou |
宝船……ですか? |
A treasure ... ship? |
Reimu |
蓋を開けてみればただの空っぽの船だし 何か乗っているかと思いきや もううんざりだわ! |
When I took a look inside, the ship was empty. I thought there'd be something onboard, I'm sick of all this! |
Shou |
何もがっかりする事はありません 聖輦船は宝船とも言えなくもないですし |
There's nothing to be disappointed about. |
Reimu |
え? |
Huh? |
Shou |
だって、宝船には七福神が乗っているのですよ? |
Well, the seven gods of luck ride a treasure ship, right? |
Reimu |
どうでも良いよ |
Whatever. |
BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天 |
BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten | |
Shou |
良いでしょう |
Very well. |
Shou Toramaru DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
素晴らしい |
How splendid. |
Reimu |
この程度の妖怪退治は朝飯前よ |
I could beat someone like you before breakfast. |
Shou |
それで、私を倒したところで |
Well, now that you've beaten me, |
Reimu |
ほら! このUFOのおもちゃが |
Look! You need this UFO toy, right? Let's go see just what's been sealed away. |
Shou |
ええ、では少し寄り道をしましたが |
Yes, you're new to the group, |
Reimu |
ふん! 封印されていた奴ごと倒して |
Hmph! I'll beat whoever's sealed away, |
Shou |
聖を虐めないでくださいね |
Please don't make fun of Hijiri, |
Stage 6
八苦を滅した尼公 |
The Nun Who Overcame the Eight Sufferings | |
法界 |
Hokkai | |
BGM: 法界の火 |
BGM: The Fire of Hokkai | |
??? ENTERS | ||
??? LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
さあ、出てきなさいよ! |
Okay, come on out! |
Byakuren Hijiri ENTERS | ||
??? |
ああ、法の世界に光が満ちる |
O, the world of dharma is filled with light. |
Reimu |
やっと見つけたわ |
I finally found you. |
??? |
妖怪の? |
Youkai? |
Reimu |
そう、妖怪達があんたを復活させようと |
Right, those youkai |
??? |
そうだったの…… |
Really ... |
Reimu |
で、あんたは何者なのよ |
Well, who are you, anyway? |
封印された大魔法使い |
The Great Sealed Magician | |
Byakuren |
私の名は白蓮 |
My name is Byakuren. |
Reimu |
あ、ええ |
Oh, yes, |
Byakuren |
貴方もまた、妖怪を虐げる者の一人なのね |
You're another oppressor of youkai, aren't you? |
Reimu |
へー |
Huh? |
Byakuren |
ああ、私の巻物に法の光が満ちてくる |
Yes, my scrolls are full of the light of Buddha. |
Reimu |
むむ、放って置いて大丈夫なのかしら? |
Hmm, I wonder if it'd really be okay to leave you alone? |
Byakuren |
貴方の妖怪を全て排除する考え |
I can't change your desire |
BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind |
BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind | |
Byakuren |
私は精一杯抵抗します |
I will resist you with all my strength. |
Reimu |
そう来なくっちゃね! |
Yes, there we go! |
Byakuren |
私が寺にいた頃と人間は変わっていないな |
Humans haven't changed since my days in the temple. |
Byakuren Hijiri DEFEATED |
- ^ This is a parody of Japanese traffic safety slogan, "せまい日本 そんなに急いでどこに行く(Japan is so small. Where are you going in such a hurry?)".
- ^ 姐さん usually means superior female person who is not one's real sister.
< | Prologue | Translation | Reimu A's Extra | > |
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