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Undefined Fantastic Object/Story/Reimu B's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation | Reimu B's Extra Extra Story |
> |
Stage 1
春の湊に舟の影 |
A Ship's Shadow at the Spring Harbor | |
残雪の道 |
The Road of Lingering Snow | |
BGM: 春の湊に |
BGM: At the Harbor of Spring | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あの船……音もなく飛び去っていった それに何か取り憑かれたような妖精も |
That ship ... ... flew away without a sound. And there were those fairies that were acting like they |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
??? |
……この辺に反応が |
... ... there was a response from around here. |
ダウザーの小さな大将 |
The Little Dowser General | |
Nazrin |
おや、さっきの人間か |
Oh, it's that human from before. |
Reimu |
つまるよ! |
I am not! |
Nazrin |
いや、気を悪くしないでくれ |
Oh, please don't take that the wrong way. |
Reimu |
宝だって? |
Treasure? |
BGM: 小さな小さな賢い将 |
BGM: A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander | |
Nazrin |
宝船? そうじゃなくて、君に反応したんだ |
Treasure ship? Oh, wait, my little mice |
Reimu |
まあ、人類の宝だからね |
Well, I am a human treasure. |
Nazrin |
私のネズミは人肉を好むから チーズなんて赤色の薄い食べ物は |
My mice do like the taste of human flesh. They say that cheese just can't compare to |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
ネズミに馬鹿にされる程 しかし、ネズミも宝を探していたのねぇ 怪しい…… |
Humans aren't delicious enough Hm, but those mice were looking for treasure, too. How suspicious ... |
Stage 2
雲に潜む一つ眼の化生 |
The One-eyed Monster Lurking in the Clouds | |
春の雲 |
The Spring Clouds | |
BGM: 閉ざせし雲の通い路 |
BGM: The Sealed Cloud Route | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa Tatara LEAVES | ||
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
??? |
ちょっと待って |
Please wait just a minute. |
Reimu |
何か用? |
Did you need something? |
??? |
用っていうか? いや、変な意味じゃないよ? |
Need? Well, I don't know ... Er, I don't mean that in a bad way. |
Reimu |
なんだ、ただの化け傘ね |
Hm? It's just a normal umbrella monster. |
愉快な忘れ傘 |
The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella | |
BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を |
BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever | |
Kogasa |
最近、暇なのよねぇ 傘が一人で動き始めても誰も驚かないし まぁ貴方も驚いてくれてないみたいだけど |
Well, I've been really bored lately ... Nobody's ever surprised by an umbrella flying all by itself ... Hm, it looks like you're not surprised, either. |
Reimu |
なんで化け傘相手に驚かなきゃいけないのよ |
Why do I have to be surprised by something like that? |
Kogasa |
あ?あ、昔は良かったわねぇ |
Oh, I remember the good old days. |
Reimu |
今は昼…… |
It's daytime right now ... ... |
Kogasa |
私がちょっと驚かしただけで |
If anyone were even a little surprised by me, |
Reimu |
はいはい、懐古怪談話はいいから |
Yes, yes, that's enough of your old time stories. |
Kogasa |
今は少し痛い目に遭わせないと |
These days you have to punish someone a little |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Kogasa |
うらめしや? |
Booo~? |
Reimu |
はいはい、恨めしんでも結構よ |
Yes, yes, that's enough bitterness from you. |
Kogasa |
しくしく |
Reimu |
さあ嗜好品(おさけ)のような物かしら? |
Maybe you're luxury items? |
Stage 3
高速の廃墟と巨人 |
The High-speed Ruins and the Giant | |
高速浮遊艇 |
The High-speed Floating Ship | |
BGM: スカイルーイン |
BGM: Sky Ruin | |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
妖精やら人間やら有象無象が |
Fairies, humans, and all, everyone seems to be |
Reimu |
宝物庫? |
Treasury? |
??? |
問答無用! |
Well, no point in arguing! |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
??? |
いやはや、あの拳を見て逃げ出さない |
My word, to think that there were humans who won't |
Reimu |
この船は、本当に宝船なの? |
Is this really a treasure ship? |
Ichirin Kumoi LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
あ、逃げた |
Oh, she ran away. |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
??? |
何が目的なのかしら |
Just what are you after? |
Reimu |
私の目的は、この船の目的を知る事よ! |
What am I after? I'm trying to figure out what this ship is after! |
??? |
ふむ |
Hm. |
守り守られし大輪 |
The Big Wheel, Having Guarded and Been Guarded | |
Ichirin |
ここが宝物で満たされた時、姐さんが |
Once this place is filled with treasure, I'll be able to |
Reimu |
大復活って |
Great revival? [1] |
Ichirin |
それまで、誰にも邪魔させない |
I won't let anyone get in my way until that happens. |
Reimu |
その姐さんって…… |
This sister of yours ... ... |
Ichirin |
妖怪なんてレベルの御方じゃないわ |
I wouldn't place her on the level of a youkai. |
Reimu |
うーむ、復活前に倒した方が良さそうね |
Hmm, maybe I'd better beat you before you can revive her. |
Ichirin |
……え? |
... what's that? |
Reimu |
何の話? |
What are you talking about? |
Ichirin |
雲山が嘘を吐く筈が無いわ |
Unzan would have no reason to lie to me. |
Reimu |
もしかして、邪魔になっているのなら |
Well, if you're getting in my way, |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 |
BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
Ichirin |
あはは、ネズミの代わりに集めて |
Ahaha, well, thank you for finding them |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin |
素晴らしいわ |
How splendid. |
Reimu |
妖怪に褒められても嬉しくとも |
There's nothing great about |
Ichirin |
まあ、姐さんの足下にも及ばないけど |
Still, you don't even compare to the soles of my sister's feet. |
Reimu |
その姐さんとやらを復活させるのは拙そうね |
It doesn't sound like it would be a good idea to let you revive your sister. |
Ichirin |
ああ、中に入るって言うの? |
Oh, are you saying you're going inside now? |
Stage 4
聖輦と不吉な船長 |
The Unfortunate Captain of the Holy Palanquin | |
聖輦船内部 |
Inside the Palanquin Ship | |
BGM: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 |
BGM: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship | |
??? ENTERS | ||
??? LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
しかし、何にも無いわねぇ この船も不吉な物に違いないわ! |
But, there's nothing here ... This ship must be an ill omen, too! |
Minamitsu Murasa ENTERS | ||
BGM: キャプテン・ムラサ |
BGM: Captain Murasa | |
??? |
誰か居るの? |
Is someone there? |
Reimu |
居たわ |
There you are. |
??? |
ふ、不吉ですって? |
I-ill omen? |
Reimu |
この船の正体を教えなさい! |
Tell me what this ship really is! |
??? |
あらあら声を荒げて…… |
Oh my, not so loud ... ... |
Reimu |
もう乗ってるけどね |
I'm already onboard. |
水難事故の念縛霊 |
The Ghost Left from the Shipwreck | |
Minamitsu |
私は村紗、この聖輦船の船長です |
I'm Murasa, the captain of this holy palanquin. |
Reimu |
いきなり船長だって? |
Woah, the captain already? |
Minamitsu |
この船では、この世界に未練がある方の乗船は |
We don't take any passengers who have any lingering |
Reimu |
へ? あの世に行く船だっていうの? |
Huh? You mean you're going to ... the world of the dead? |
Minamitsu |
あの世になんて行きませんよ |
No, we're not going there. |
Reimu |
ほっかい? |
Hokkai? |
Minamitsu |
無限の広さを持つ魔界の、ほんの一角です |
A corner of the infinite area of Makai. |
Reimu |
魔界なら知ってる |
Oh, I know about Makai. |
Minamitsu |
法界に入る為には聖が残した宝が |
In order to enter Hokkai, |
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
Minamitsu |
何という強さ…… |
How strong ... ... |
Reimu |
だから妖怪に褒められたって…… |
Hm, a compliment from a youkai ... ... |
Minamitsu |
聖も昔は人間だった事を思い出したわ |
It makes me remember how Hijiri was human once, long ago. |
Reimu |
へ? |
Huh? |
Minamitsu |
人間は強くなるのね |
Humans get strong, don't they? |
Reimu |
うーん、どうかなぁ |
Well, I don't know ... |
Minamitsu |
自動操縦ですから 貴方が宝を持って乗ってきたから |
Yes, it's in auto-mode. Since you came onboard with the treasure, |
Reimu |
え? |
Huh? |
Stage 5
魔界の赤黒い封印 |
The Red and Black Seal of the Underworld | |
魔界(法界上空) |
Makai (above Hokkai) | |
BGM: 魔界地方都市エソテリア |
BGM: Provincial Makai City Esoteria | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin |
おや? |
Hmm? |
Reimu |
あんたはさっき…… |
Hey, aren't you that ... |
Nazrin |
どうやらそのようだね この毘沙門天の宝塔の力 |
Seems to be. Maybe I'll test the power of this Bishamonten pagoda on you |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
魔界に放り出されたのは良いけど 一体、何が封印されているのかしら? |
I'm glad I got out of Makai, Just what's sealed away in here, anyway? |
Shou Toramaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
貴方が飛宝を集めてくれた人間ね |
You're the human who found the treasure, aren't you? |
Reimu |
失礼ね |
How rude. |
??? |
いや失礼した |
I'm sorry, you're quite right. |
Reimu |
積んでるつもりだけどね |
Well, I do mean to learn a lot while I'm here. |
毘沙門天の弟子 |
The Disciple of Bishamonten | |
Shou |
私は毘沙門天の代理 |
I am the representative of Bishamonten, Now that we have the jeweled pagoda Nazrin brought, We can break the seal here. |
Reimu |
この封印の下には何が眠っているの? |
What's sleeping beneath this seal? |
Shou |
あれ? 知らないで集めていたんですか? |
Hm? You gathered all the treasure |
Reimu |
もちろん知らない! |
Of course I don't know! |
Shou |
人間も私達妖怪も分け隔て無く力を |
It's a human saint who helped |
Reimu |
聖者? |
Saint? |
Shou |
そうです。素晴らしい方だった |
Yes. She was a wonderful person. |
Reimu |
聖者とか何とかいって |
Hm, it's some kind of saint ... ? |
Shou |
人間が愚かだったのです 愚かな人間は、自分の利益にならない者を 魔界の力を使って妖怪を助けたからって ただそれだけで封印されたのですよ |
The humans were so foolish. The foolish humans wanted to deny the existence Since she wanted to use Makai's power to help youkai, She was sealed away - for something as simple as that. |
Reimu |
ほら、悪いことしてるじゃん 私はあんたも退治するつもりよ? |
Look, she was doing bad things, right? I'm going to have to beat you too, okay? |
BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天 |
BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten | |
Shou |
それが貴方の正義なら、それも良いでしょう この毘沙門天の宝塔の前に |
Very well, if that's your idea of justice. And bow down |
Shou Toramaru DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
素晴らしい |
How splendid. |
Reimu |
今日は妖怪に褒められてばっかね |
Youkai have been complimenting me all day. |
Shou |
貴方は飛倉の破片を集めて、聖を |
That's because you've gathered the fragments of the Flying Storehouse |
Reimu |
手伝いをしている気は無いんだけどね |
Not that I had any intention of doing so. |
Shou |
さあ、封印を解く準備を始めましょう |
Well, let's begin the preparations to lift the seal. |
Reimu |
こ、ここまで来たらその聖者とやらも一度 気になって眠れなくなりそうだし |
I- I guess I can't go back after coming all this way I wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing. |
Shou |
素晴らしい |
Splendid! |
Stage 6
八苦を滅した尼公 |
The Nun Who Overcame the Eight Sufferings | |
法界 |
Hokkai | |
BGM: 法界の火 |
BGM: The Fire of Hokkai | |
??? ENTERS | ||
??? LEAVES | ||
Reimu |
全く人の気配がしないんですけどー 逆に気持ち悪いわ |
I can't sense anyone at all, but ... It's just creepy in the opposite way. |
Byakuren Hijiri ENTERS | ||
??? |
ああ、法の世界に光が満ちる |
O, the world of dharma is filled with light. |
Reimu |
出てきたわ |
There she is. |
??? |
あら、貴方が封印を解いてくれたんじゃないの? |
Oh, didn't you break the seal? |
Reimu |
いやまぁ、結果的にそういう事に |
Well, uh, |
??? |
有難うございます |
Thank you very much. |
Reimu |
で、あんたは何者なのよ |
So, who are you? |
封印された大魔法使い |
The Great Sealed Magician | |
Byakuren |
私の名は白蓮 遠い昔の僧侶です 貴方は見たところ巫女の様ね? 私が間違っていなかったという事を |
My name is Byakuren. I was a monk a long, long time ago. You seem to be a shrine maiden, am I right? Did you come down here |
Reimu |
ふん 妖怪達が崇めていた貴方を危険な者と |
Hm. And I think you're a dangerous person |
Byakuren |
そうですか、では私を再度封印すると? |
I see, then you'll seal me away again? |
Reimu |
ええ、その通りよ! |
Yes, exactly! |
Byakuren |
貴方は……本当は私と同じ考えを持っている 妖怪も人間も同じ、法の下で全て |
You ... really don't think the same way That humans and youkai can live together as equals |
Reimu |
そ、そんな訳ないわよ! |
Th-there's no way! |
Byakuren |
では何で封印を解いてくれたのでしょう? |
Then why did you lift the seal? |
Reimu |
それは……妖怪が封印を解く方が怖いからよ! |
Well ... because it would've been scarier if the youkai did it! |
Byakuren |
私はこれから、私を解放へ導いてくれた妖怪達の 貴方の妖怪を全て排除する考え ですが、再び私を封印すると言うのなら―― |
From now on, I'll have to make sure I can I can't change your desire However, if you're going to seal me away again ―― |
BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind |
BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind | |
Byakuren |
私は精一杯抵抗します |
I will resist you with all my strength. |
Reimu |
ふん、最初からそう言っていればいいのよ 私は妖怪に味方する奴は全員倒すつもり |
Hmph, you should have said that from the start. After all, |
Byakuren |
私が寺にいた頃と人間は変わっていないな 誠に薄く、軽挙妄動であるッ! |
Humans haven't changed since my days in the temple. How weak and rash you are! |
Byakuren Hijiri DEFEATED |
- ^ This could be a reference to CAVE's DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu, or "Dodonpachi Great Revival".
< | Prologue | Translation | Reimu B's Extra | > |
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