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Undefined Fantastic Object/Story/Sanae A's Extra
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Extra Stage
未確認飛行幻想物体 |
Unidentified Flying Fantastic Object | |
夜の空 |
The Night Sky | |
BGM: 夜空のユーフォーロマンス |
BGM: UFO Romance in the Night Sky | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa |
うらめしやー! この間は失敗したわ 人間を驚かすには、やっぱり夜じゃないとね! |
Booo! I messed up last time. You have to wait until night to surprise humans! |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うーん、さっきまで鳥の形をしていたのに なんなのかしら? UFOに乗っていたんだから、まず間違い無く …… 鳥の様な、獣の様な、赤ん坊の様な…… |
Hmmm, it was a bird until just now, What on earth It was riding in a UFO, so I think it's got to be ...... It sounds like a bird, or a monster, or a baby...... |
??? ENTERS | ||
??? |
聖救出、おめでとう! まさか、飛倉が妖怪退治を専門とする |
Congratulations on rescuing Hijiri! I never thought a human specializing in youkai hunting |
Sanae |
あ、謎の発光物体発見! 貴方が、UFOに乗っていたエイリアンね! |
Oh, I found the mysterious shining thing! You're the alien that was riding in the UFO, right!? |
Nue |
残念でした |
Sorry, but... |
Nue Houjuu TRANSFORMS | ||
未確認幻想飛行少女 |
The Unidentified Fantastic Flying Girl | |
Nue |
私は鵺、正体不明がウリの妖怪よ |
I'm a nue, the youkai best known as being mysterious. |
Sanae |
あれ、そういえば日本語だわ |
Oh? Hm, you're speaking Japanese, too. |
Nue |
エイリアンじゃ無いですから それとも何かしら? |
Yes, because I'm not an alien. But, what are you saying? |
Sanae |
貴方、誰です? |
Who are you? |
Nue |
だから鵺だって |
Look, I told you, I'm a nue. |
Sanae |
ぬえ……? |
Nue......? |
Nue |
あら、有名じゃなかったのね、私 |
What? I know I used to be famous. |
Sanae |
まあ、宇宙人じゃなければ退治するだけです |
Well, if you're not an alien, I guess I'll just have to beat you. |
Nue |
UFOは、貴方の知識が生んだ想像の産物よ |
The UFO was an impression born from your own experience. |
Sanae |
へ? 確かに円盤形UFOでした |
Huh? It was definitely a flying saucer. |
Nue |
古典的なのは貴方の心 しかし、古典的な人間なのに私を |
Your heart is what's old-fashioned. But why wouldn't an old-fashioned person |
Sanae |
まあ良いです |
Well, whatever. |
BGM: 平安のエイリアン |
BGM: Heian Alien | |
Nue |
私の正体を知らないのは有難いわね でも、怖がってくれないと私の心は餓える |
I'm glad you don't know my true nature. But, if you're not afraid, my heart will dry up. |
Sanae |
もう妖怪には驚きません! |
I won't be surprised by any more youkai! |
Nue |
妖怪の恐怖を忘れた人間よ! |
So, you human who's forgotten the fear of youkai! |
Nue Houjuu DEFEATED | ||
Nue |
ま、まさか、幾ら長い間眠っていたからといって |
I-I can't believe I've been beaten by such a young girl, even if I've been asleep for so long...... |
Sanae |
だから、もう妖怪には負けませんよ! |
I told you, I won't lose to any more youkai! |
Nue |
私も焼きが回ったかねぇ 仕様が無い、煮るなり焼くなり好きにするがいい |
I see I've lost my touch. Oh well, do whatever horrible thing you please. |
Sanae |
って、別に煮たり焼いたりする目的があって あのUFOは何だったのか そういう事を調べようと思っていただけで |
Well, it's not like I fought you because I wanted What was that UFO, anyway? I just wanted to get the answer to those questions. |
Nue |
ふん、私は正体不明の妖怪 正体不明のタネを飛倉に仕掛けたのよ そのタネは、見る者の頭の中で理解できる物へ 貴方は、正体不明の浮遊物をUFOと認識した 飛倉が飛ぶ事を知っている者達には、飛倉の |
Well, I'm a youkai whose true form is unknown. I put the Seed of Unknown Form on the fragments of the Flying Storehouse. That seed has the power to change form into Since you thought something unknown floating in the sky To people who knew of the Flying Storehouse, |
Sanae |
じゃあ、UFOは頭の中の映像って事? |
So, the UFO was really only in my head? |
Nue |
ムラサ達の邪魔にもなるし、人間も でも、貴方は怖がってくれなかった それに、貴方の力で結局ムラサ達の手助けを |
Well, I thought it would get in Murasa's way, But it looks like you weren't scared at all. And on top of that, it looks like |
Sanae |
UFOは人類の憧れですよ? 怖い訳が無いじゃないですか |
Well, humans love UFOs, you know? There's no way we'd be scared of them. |
Nue |
今の人間は、正体不明な飛行物体を |
So humans aren't afraid of |
Sanae |
ええ、古い傘が飛んでいても驚かない |
That's right, this is an age where |
Nue |
仕様が無い、こうなったら正体を明かして |
Oh well, in that case maybe it would be scarier if |
Sanae |
あ、その時は本格的に退治しますよ? |
Ah, but then I'll have to exterminate you for real. |
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