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Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost/Omake
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■1.あとがき | 1. Afterword | |
どうも、ZUNです。 今年は暑いですねぇ。 今年はAIが話題を独り占めしています。AI生成がやっていることは、 あくまでも、効率化に至上を求めるのならば、ですけどね。 突如、AIが爆発し始めた昨年ごろ、ひねくれ者の僕は AIの象徴する、完全性、無機質性、結果論に対し、不完全性、有機質性、 その結果がこれだよ(笑) いやー、とにかく作業量が多かったです。その分満足度も高いです。 ついさっきまで更新を続けた、ボスのドット絵を描いてくれた海原海豚さん。 |
Hello, I'm ZUN. Sure is hot this year. This year's news is practically monopolized by AI. The things being done with AI generation are one of the answers to the question of efficiency, and a natural extension of it. We've already come far enough that if you want to learn something technical-- if you look something up on the internet-- even a child who just started researching can make a super-hyper-skilled work. ...Well, at least, if you're placing the utmost value on efficiency. When the AI boom got going around last year, I figured (in my contrarian way) that "if AI takes the world by storm, homebrew work will conversely go up in value," and decided to make a game that was, first and foremost, just plain chock full of stuff. That's this game. If AI symbolizes perfection, inorganicity, and "ends over means," then the opposing symbol of imperfection, organicity, and the importance of "the process" would be, in short, living creatures. And the result is, well, this thing (LOL) There really was just SO much stuff on the to-do list, honestly. In exchange, my satisfaction from making it was just as high. Many thanks to Unabara Iruka, who drew the boss sprites and was updating them until just a moment ago, | |
さて、今作品ですがシステム的に説明不足な部分が沢山あります。とくに 全キャラの性能に関して、殆ど説明がありません。 本当はキャラセレ画面で説明したかったのですが、作業量的に顕界だった ので入っていません。 マニュアルに書こうかと思ったけど、ネタバレになって書けないところも |
Now, there's a lot of mechanics that aren't adequately explained this time around. In particular, the specs of every single character are hardly explained at all. I would have loved to explain them all on the character select screen, but it went over the limit of my workload. I thought I'd write them in the manual, but some of them were spoilers, so here they are instead. | |
○オンライン対戦の解放 ある程度ストーリーを進めて、全キャラ解放されたら選択できます。 |
○Unlocking online VS mode Play through the story until all the characters are unlocked, and the option will become available. | |
○ナズーリンの除霊オーラ 一番近い霊敵に向かって移動します。 |
○Nazrin's Exorcism Aura Moves towards whatever spirit enemy is closest. | |
○ナズーリンのスキルアタック 画面全体に広がる衝撃で、『沈静化した霊を全て一掃』します。 それ以外の敵には効果がありません。 |
○Nazrin's Skill Attack Wipes out all Quelled spirits with a full-screen blast. No effect on other types of enemy. | |
○火焔猫燐のスキルアタック 幽霊全てを沈静化します。 |
○Rin Kaenbyou's Skill Attack Quells all phantoms. | |
○二ッ岩マミゾウのスキルアタック ボムのかけらを入手します。三回使えばボムになります。 |
○Mamizou Futatsuiwa's Skill Attack You obtain a Bomb Fragment. Using it 3 times makes 1 bomb. | |
○天火人ちやりのショットと除霊オーラ ショットには出血による継続ダメージがあります。 除霊オーラも僅かに攻撃力を持っています。 |
○Chiyari Tenkajin's shot and Exorcism Aura Her shot inflicts bleeding, ie. damage over time. Her Exorcism Aura also deals slight damage. | |
○天火人ちやりのスキルアタック EXで送り込んだ鬼火を全てを凶暴化させます。 |
○Chiyari Tenkajin's Skill Attack Makes all the will-o-wisps sent via her EX attack go berserk. | |
○日白残無のスキルアタック 全ての妖精を沈静化したピュア霊に変えます。もう戻りません。可哀想に。 |
○Zanmu Nippaku's Skill Attack Changes all fairies into Quelled Pure Spirits. They won't change back. Poor things. | |
○動物霊の種類 動物霊はピュア霊を撃破すると送り込めます。 その時の自キャラとの距離によって異なる動物霊に変化します。 |
○Types of Beast Spirits Shooting down a Pure Spirit sends a Beast Spirit to the opponent. The type of Beast Spirit it turns into is decided based on its proximity to the player character. | |
○暴走EXスペシャルアタック、暴走ボスアタック 霊をまとめて大量に破壊すると、ゲージを使用しなくても EXスペシャルアタックやボスアタック発動する事があります。 この場合はアタックのレベルアップはしません。 |
○Berserk EX Special Attacks / Berserk Boss Attacks Sometimes, when you destroy a large collection of spirits at once, you'll activate an EX Special Attack or a Boss Attack without using your gauge. Your attack will not level up when activated in this way. | |
ZUN(燃え尽きたぜ……真っ白に) | ZUN (I'm totally burned up... White-hot!) | |
**以下にエンディング後に関わるネタバレがありますのでご注意** | **Ending spoilers past this point! Beware** | |
■2.キャラ設定 | 2. Character Profiles | |
いつもなら、ゲームに出てくる全てのキャラクターの設定を書くところですが、 今作は余りにもキャラが多く、 設定を書くにはこのテキストファイルは小さすぎる と言うことで割愛させて頂きます。 大まかな設定はストーリーモードで語られているとおりです。 |
I'd usually write bios for every character in the game, but there's just too many this time around, and this text file is too small to fit all of them. So I'll leave all the returning characters out. Their general background is discussed already in Story Mode. |
- Source: Omake.txt, included with Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost full version