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Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost/Story/Ran's VS Script
Ran defeats someone
Ran |
やったわ! |
Hooray! |
Ran defeats Reimu
Ran |
貴方がしっかりしてないから |
It's because you aren't doing your job hard enough |
Ran defeats Marisa
Ran |
なるほど、魔理沙のリボンが変わる程度には |
I see, so those animal spirits are going wild |
Ran defeats Sanae
Ran |
あんたの神社にいるキツネに |
You'd better be careful |
Ran defeats herself
Ran |
式神を使った練習はこのくらいにしましょ |
Let's call it a day for the shikigami-using practice. |
Ran defeats Aunn
Ran |
博麗神社に、狛犬じゃ無くて |
It would have been better if the Hakurei shrine had some fox statues, |
Ran defeats Nazrin
Ran |
そんな棒で何を感知出来るの? |
What can you detect with those rods? |
Ran defeats Seiran
Ran |
迷いの森に行ってみた? |
Been to the Forest of the Lost[1] already? |
Ran defeats Rin
Ran |
あ、橙の件はどうも |
Oh, about Chen, you have my thanks. |
Ran |
あ、橙の件はどうも |
Oh, about Chen, you have my thanks. |
Ran |
お陰様で、死体遊びが上手になったわ |
Thanks to you, she's now so good at playing with corpses! |
Ran defeats Tsukasa
Ran |
管狐なんて、キツネの中でも |
Kuda-gitsune are one of |
Ran defeats Mamizou
Ran |
狸と狐の化かし合い、だなんてもう |
Tanuki and kitsune tricking each other... |
Ran defeats Yachie
Ran |
鹿? 亀? 蛇? |
Deer? Tortoise? Snake? |
Ran defeats Saki
Ran |
馬に羽が生えたら、走行効率悪くならない? |
A horse, with a pair of wings? Doesn't that just make it difficult for you to run? |
Ran defeats Yuuma
Ran |
何事も腹八分目 |
Everything in moderation. |
Ran defeats Suika
Ran |
最近、里によく顔を出すようね |
I hear that you've been appearing a lot in the village. |
Ran |
ねー、貴方の言ってた罠って何だったの? |
Hey, what was the "trap" thing you mentioned back then? |
Ran defeats Biten
Ran |
その如意棒、すぐ割れそうだけど……? |
That Ruyi Bang looks quite fragile to me. |
Ran defeats Enoko
Ran |
うっ、そのトラバサミは |
Ugh, those steel traps... |
Ran defeats Chiyari
Ran |
貴方、チュパカブラだったんだって? |
So you are a chupacabra, after all? |
Ran defeats Hisami
Ran |
ヤマブドウはさぞ美味しかったでしょう? |
I hope you liked the taste of fox grapes? |
Ran defeats Zanmu
Ran |
萃香と同じ匂いがするね |
You smell exactly like Suika. |
- ↑ Possibly referring to Bamboo Forest of the Lost, though it's usually called 迷いの竹林 (mayoi no chikurin), not 迷いの森 (mayoi no mori).