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Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost/Story/Rin's Scenario
Rin vs. Nazrin (Stage 1)
命蓮寺墓地 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
いいなー、地上は |
Wow, the surface sure is great! |
Nazrin |
うわっ、お燐 |
Woah, Orin! |
Nazrin enters | ||
屈指のトレジャーマウス |
Best-in-Class Treasure Mouse | |
Nazrin |
何でこんなところに? |
Why are you here? |
Rin |
There sure is a lot of treasure in this cemetery! |
BGM: 世界は可愛く出来ている |
BGM: The World Is Made in an Adorable Way | |
Rin loses | ||
Nazrin |
猫は苦手なんだよねー |
I really am bad with cats... |
Rin wins | ||
Rin |
同じ地底仲間だったしさ |
We're both underground friends, |
Nazrin |
猫は苦手なの |
I'm bad with cats. |
Rin |
何言ってんのよー |
What are you talking about? |
Rin vs. Marisa (Stage 2)
柳の運河 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
人間の里も幽霊だらけね |
The Human Village is full of spirits too. |
Marisa |
お燐? |
Orin? |
Marisa Kirisame enters | ||
霊長類最強の魔法使い |
Strongest Primate Magician | |
Marisa |
余り里に近づくなよ? |
Don't go too close to the village now, alright? |
Rin |
大丈夫よ、こんなに幽霊だらけ |
It'll be fine! With all these spirits around the place, |
Marisa |
バレるバレないじゃ |
I don't think whether you get found out |
Rin |
荷車一杯の幽霊か死体を捕まえたら |
I'll go home immediately once I catch |
Marisa |
乱獲しすぎじゃね? |
Isn't that overhunting? |
BGM: 世界は可愛く出来ている |
BGM: The World Is Made in an Adorable Way | |
Rin loses | ||
Marisa |
どうせなら幽霊全部 |
If you're gonna do this, then ya might as well |
Rin wins | ||
Rin |
さて、そろそろおうちに戻ろうかな |
Well then, I think it's about time I head home. |
Marisa |
捕まえた幽霊で |
I guess your wheelbarrow's already full |
Rin vs. Ran (Stage 3)
旧都 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
いやー、大収穫だったわ |
Man, what a great harvest. |
Ran |
ん? 誰? |
Hm? Who is it? |
Ran Yakumo enters | ||
望んで大忙しの式神 |
Wishfully Busy Shikigami | |
Ran |
何だ、お燐か |
Oh, it's Orin. |
Rin |
見慣れない奴がいると思ったら まさかの九尾の狐だなんて |
I thought I saw a new face, |
Ran |
よく、うちの橙と遊んでくれているようで |
I hear that you've been playing with my dear Chen quite a lot, |
Rin |
あ、どうも |
Oh, you're welcome. |
Ran |
お陰であの可愛かった橙が |
Thanks to you, Chen, who was so cute, |
Rin |
にゃははー |
Nyahaha! |
Ran |
地上で起きている異変について |
What do you know |
Rin |
異変、あー、あの幽霊大放出祭のこと? |
Incident... Oh! You mean that festival where they're releasing all those spirits? |
Ran |
あ、ごめん、やっぱいいです |
Ah... Sorry, never mind. |
BGM: 魔獣スクランブル |
BGM: Magic Beast Scramble | |
Rin loses | ||
Ran |
今度から、橙と遊ぶときは |
Corpse games are forbidden |
Rin wins | ||
Rin |
幽霊の調査をしにここまで来たの? |
You came all the way here looking into the spirits? |
Ran |
地上だけの調査では埒が空かないんでね |
Investigating the surface alone was going nowhere. |
Rin |
良いことを教えてあげる |
I'll tell you something nice. |
Ran |
新しい幽霊が湧いてくる、か |
A new type of spirit gushing out, huh. |
Ran leaves | ||
Rin |
怨霊から怨みも何もかも薄れた |
These spirits are like what remains when a vengeful spirit's resentment fades away, |
Rin vs. Chiyari (Stage 4)
旧血の池地獄 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
To think I'd end up coming all the way here to the Former Hell of Blood Pools. |
Chiyari |
あー何だい |
Ohh, what is it? |
Chiyari Tenkajin enters | ||
穢れた有機物の怪物 |
Monster of Tainted Organic Material | |
Chiyari |
久しぶりだねぇ、元気にしてた? |
It's been a while, have you been doing well? |
Rin |
いやさ、地上の異変について調査している奴が |
Oh, well, I think people might come here |
Chiyari |
あー? |
Huh? |
Rin |
アレでしょ? |
Oh, you know. |
Chiyari |
ふっふっふ |
Heh heh heh. |
Rin |
ふぁ!? |
Fwuh?! |
BGM: 吸血怪獣チュパカブラ |
BGM: Vampiric Cryptid Chupacabra | |
Chiyari |
今は、立派な剛欲同盟の団員さ |
I'm a proud member of the Gouyoku Alliance now. |
Rin |
な……え? |
Wh-... Huh? |
Chiyari |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Rin |
あっはっは、そりゃそうだ |
Ahaha! Of course! |
Chiyari |
ねー! |
Yeah! |
Rin loses | ||
Chiyari |
あーたのし! |
Woo! That was fun! |
Rin wins | ||
Rin |
あーたのし! |
Woo! That was fun! |
Chiyari |
畜生界にいるんじゃないかな |
I guess she might be in the Animal Realm? |
Rin |
乗りかかった船だ |
Might as well see things through. |
Rin vs. Yuuma (Stage 5)
畜生界 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
ふわー、畜生界ってこんな洒落てるの? |
Woah! The Animal Realm is this fancy? |
Yuuma |
フランクに私を呼ぶのは誰だ? |
Who is adressing me so casually? |
Yuuma Toutetsu enters | ||
本命の剛欲同盟長 |
Favorite Matriarch of the Gouyoku Alliance | |
Yuuma |
やっぱり地霊殿とこのお燐か |
Ah, it really is Orin from the Palace of Earth Spirits. |
Rin |
ねー、地上の異変ってさ |
Hey, that incident on the surface. |
Yuuma |
異変、か |
Incident, huh. |
Rin |
幽霊だらけでサイコー! |
It's the absolute best how there are spirits everywhere! |
Yuuma |
ふ、何だそりゃ |
Hah! What's that supposed to mean? |
Rin |
あらそうなの |
My, is that so? |
BGM: 強欲な獣のメメント |
BGM: Memento of the Avaricious Beast | |
Yuuma |
お前、天火人に会ったか? |
Met Chiyari, did you? |
Rin |
え? ええ |
Huh? Yeah. |
Yuuma |
そうか、じゃあちょっと試すぞ |
I see. Well then, let me test something. |
Rin |
え? |
Wuh? |
Rin loses | ||
Yuuma |
勘違い、か |
I got it wrong, huh. |
Rin wins | ||
Yuuma |
もう十分だ |
That's enough. |
Rin |
そりゃそうだけど |
Of course I am. |
Yuuma |
あの天火人さ |
That Tenkajin. |
Rin |
へー、あのちやりちゃんがねぇ |
Huh, Chiyari did? |
Yuuma |
断る必要もないんでね |
I had no reason to refuse her, |
Rin |
不審な試験管……? |
A suspicious test tube...? |
Yuuma |
私が持っている |
I have it here. |
Rin |
ええ…… |
Yeah... |
Yuuma |
ほら、もっと近くによりな…… |
Come on, get closer... |
Rin vs. Zanmu (Stage 6)
地獄 |
Pre-match | ||
Rin |
……ここは |
This is... |
Zanmu |
目が覚めたか |
So you're awake. |
Zanmu Nippaku Enters | ||
Zanmu |
一部始終を見ていたぞ |
I saw it all, from beginning to end. |
Rin |
わ、罠? |
Wh- A trap? |
寂滅為楽の王 |
King of the Silent Bliss of Nirvana | |
Zanmu |
いかにも |
The very. |
Rin |
古い地獄を切り捨てて旧地獄を作ったのも |
You're also the bastard who cut off and abandoned |
BGM: 逸脱者達の無礙光 〜 Kingdam of Nothingness. |
BGM: The Deviants' Unobstructed Light ~ Kingdom of Nothingness. | |
Zanmu |
ふふっ |
Heh heh. |
Rin |
そもそも自分の意思でここに来てないわよ |
It's not like I wanted to come here in the first place. |
Zanmu |
儂のことを知っているお前なら |
Since you already know about me, |
Rin loses | ||
Zanmu |
世界は予定通りに進んでしまう |
The entire world moves according to my predictions. |
Rin wins | ||
Ending No. 8 |
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