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Urban Legend in Limbo/Story/Ichirin's Scenario
Stage 1
新旧都市伝説大戦 |
The Great War of the Old and New Urban Legends | |
BGM: 価値がわからない |
BGM: The Value is Unrealized | |
Ichirin |
へいへーい |
Hey, hey! |
Futo |
そういうお主もボールを 良いだろう |
That ought to mean, Very well! |
番町!皿を割る尸解仙 |
Banchou! The Plate-Breaking Shikaisen | |
Futo |
儂の |
My |
Ichirin |
ぷぷっ、お菊さんー? 貰ったも同然ね! |
Heh heh, Okiku-san? Of course you got Okiku-san! |
BGM: 七玉蒐集ショウダウン |
BGM: Seven-Orb Collection Showdown | |
If player loses | ||
Futo |
お菊さん…… |
I think she's plenty stylish, though, |
Mononobe no Futo DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin |
When it comes to the |
Futo |
ぐぐ |
Ugh. |
Stage 2
元気の無い魔法使い |
The Unenergetic Magician | |
BGM: 時代の風の訪れ |
BGM: Arrival of the Winds of the Era | |
Ichirin |
今度は何処に行こうかな |
Where should I go next? |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Ichirin |
あ、魔理沙さん あの戦いのお陰でボール集めの もう四つも集まりました |
Oh, Ms. Marisa! Thanks to our fight, I've awakened I've already gathered four. |
Marisa |
うーん |
Hmm. |
恐怖!学校の魔法使い |
Horror! The School Magician | |
Ichirin |
今日も 奪われても暫くしたら |
We shall be having a match today too, no? Even if it gets stolen, |
Marisa |
ボール遊びは 今日はそれを言いに |
You really oughta take it easy, Well, that's what I came here today |
Ichirin |
よく判ってるじゃない |
I'm glad you understand. |
BGM: 公正なる奪い合い |
BGM: Fair Scramble | |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
またボールを手に入れてしまった |
So you've gotten another ball again... |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin |
何だか張り合いが 貴方らしくも無い |
That really wasn't much It wasn't like you, either. |
Marisa |
まあ今は それにしてもあと二つか |
Well, I'm just not Anyhow, just two more to go, huh? |
Ichirin |
残り二つは誰が |
I wonder who has |
Marisa |
うーん空中にもう一つあるな |
Hmm, there's another one way up in the sky. |
Ichirin |
空中……? |
In the sky...? |
Marisa |
何でだろうなぁ お前が全部集めたら |
Not sure myself. I guess I just wanna see |
Stage 3
大小都市伝説大戦 |
The Great War of Big and Small Urban Legends | |
BGM: 顕現した伝承の形 |
BGM: Forms of Manifested Folklore | |
Ichirin |
空中っていうと 前々から気になってたんだけど |
When you say "in the sky", It's been bothering me for a while now: |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
あーお前、オカルトボールを |
Hey, you, you've got lotsa |
Ichirin |
む 何やつ |
Hmph. Who's asking? |
Shinmyoumaru |
私は誇り高き小人族の末裔ぞ |
I am a descendant of the proud inchling race. |
眉唾!緑色をした小人 |
Dubious! Inchling in Green | |
Ichirin |
小人ー? |
Inchlings? |
Shinmyoumaru |
小さいと思って舐めてかかると |
If you're going to underestimate me just because I'm small, |
Ichirin |
くすくす |
*giggle* |
Shinmyoumaru |
何がおかしい |
What's so funny? |
Ichirin |
小さいって なんせ私は |
I was just thinking that "tiny things are cute"... After all, |
Shinmyoumaru |
だ、大が小を兼ねると 小さき者達に翻弄される |
I-if you think bigger means better, Realize the terror that is |
BGM: 竹林インフレイム |
BGM: Bamboo Forest in Flames | |
If player loses | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
弱! |
Weak! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin |
ふう やっぱり大は小を兼ねるのよ |
Whew, I guess bigger really is better. |
Shinmyoumaru |
持ってけドロボー しくしく 噂ではボールを七つ集めれば |
Take it, you thief! *sob sob* The rumor said that if I gathered |
Ichirin |
何そのピンポイントな噂 と言うかオカルトボールって |
What kind of super-specific rumor is that? Honestly, what are |
Shinmyoumaru |
誰かが六個まで集めるのを どうやらボールを沢山持って |
My plan was to wait for someone I guess whoever's holding lots of |
Ichirin |
そんな負け惜しみをねぇ |
You really sound like a sore loser. |
Shinmyoumaru |
実は他のボールの所有者を |
Actually, I know who has the last ball, |
Ichirin |
すみません |
I'm sorry. |
Shinmyoumaru |
ふん 教えてやろう! 残りのボールは |
Hmph. Allow me to tell you! The remaining balls are in the hands |
Ichirin |
え? |
Huh? |
Shinmyoumaru |
彼奴は手強いぞ? |
She's tough, though? |
Final Stage
オカルトボールの真実 |
The Truth of the Occult Balls | |
BGM: 真実を知る者 |
BGM: Those Who Know the Truth | |
Miko |
ほほう |
I say, |
怪奇!二色マント魔人 |
Bizarre! The Fiend of the Two-Colored Mantle | |
Ichirin |
よりによって最後は貴方かー |
Out of everyone, the last one is you? |
Miko |
ところでお前 |
Incidentally, |
Ichirin |
七個集めると覚りが |
Once you gather seven of them, |
Miko |
はっはっは 愚か者め! |
Ha ha ha! You fool! |
Ichirin |
ええー? |
Whaaat? |
Miko |
私は都市伝説が流行ってから するとどうだろ |
Once the urban legends started spreading And what did I find? |
Ichirin |
そう、なんですか? |
Really, is that so? |
Miko |
実現する都市伝説を無力化する 噂を上手く操って だがな これだけは噂の出所が |
I imagine they were taking measures to render By skillfully manipulating the rumors, But the Occult Balls I wasn't able to find the source |
Music stops | ||
Miko |
だが神社に張り込むこと数日 |
However, I staked out the shrine for several days, |
Ichirin |
ほうほう |
Oh? Go on. |
Miko |
そいつは影しか見えなかったが |
I could only see her shadow, |
BGM: ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 |
BGM: Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World | |
Miko |
あれは外の人間だ! |
A human from outside! |
Ichirin |
何だってー! ……って 大体私達が使っている |
What!? ...Or, I mean, don't the urban legends we're all using |
Miko |
ほう と言うことは知っていて ふっふっふ 不測の事態が怖くないのであれば オカルトボールの全てを掛けて! |
My, So, knowing that, you still Heh heh heh, If you have no fear of the unknown, Let us wager all of the Occult Balls! |
If player loses | ||
Miko |
ボールを手にするのは |
I'm more suited to |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |