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Urban Legend in Limbo/Story/Nitori's Scenario
Stage 1
安く買って高く売ります! |
Buy Low, Sell High! | |
BGM: ボールのある日常 |
BGM: An Everyday Life with Balls | |
恐怖!学校の魔法使い |
Horror! The School Magician | |
Nitori |
ボールはいらんかねー |
Balls for saleー |
Marisa |
オカルトボールを |
So you're selling |
Nitori |
はいそうです |
Yeah, that's right. |
Marisa |
買い取りは |
Are you |
Nitori |
ええ買い取りもOKですよ |
Sure, that's okay too. |
BGM: オカルトアラカルト |
BGM: Occult à la Carte | |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
おっと |
Woah there, |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
それでは買取価格は |
Well, here's the money |
Marisa |
そうか、お金になるなんて って安! |
I never thought of Wait, that's cheap! |
Stage 2
時には無料で仕入れます |
Sometimes the Stock is Replenished For Free | |
BGM: 価値がわからない |
BGM: The Value is Unrealized | |
Ichirin |
良いところに現われたな |
You showed up at a good time. |
驚愕!長身の入道使い |
Astonishing! The Tall Nyudou Handler | |
Nitori |
野蛮な奴め どうせお前じゃお代を |
How uncivilized. I don't suppose you were |
Ichirin |
そりゃそうよ! |
So what! |
BGM: 公正なる奪い合い |
BGM: Equitable Scramble for Victory | |
If player loses | ||
Ichirin |
ついでに尻小玉も |
Looks like I got ahold |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
ならばボールは頂いていく |
In that case, I'll be taking the ball. |
Ichirin |
ねぇあんたの |
Hey. |
Nitori |
そうだよ |
Yeah. |
Ichirin |
いや、それじゃあオカルトボールを |
I was just thinking, Doesn't that mean |
Nitori |
いやそれが持っているんだな |
No, I have them. |
Ichirin |
作り物の都市伝説でもオカルトの |
So the Occult Balls even have and effect |
Nitori |
そうは言うけど |
But isn't your urban legend |
Ichirin |
そういえばそうねぇ |
I guess so, now that you mention it. |
Stage 3
上客には徹底的に媚びます |
Get Chummy With Your Best Customers. | |
BGM: 可能性を信じて |
BGM: Believe in Possibilities | |
Nitori |
ボールはいらんかねー |
Balls for saleー |
Mokou |
ここの主なら今は留守だ |
If you're looking for the master of this house, she's not in.[2] |
激熱!人間インフェルノ |
Blaze! Human Inferno | |
Nitori |
おや? |
Oh? |
Mokou |
道案内のついでに 不死者はここに住んでいるって |
I was guiding someone, Since I heard that there were immortals |
Nitori |
そうかー オカルトボールを買ってくれる |
I see. She's the only customer I've had |
Mokou |
お前は河童か まあ尻子玉も集めるもんな |
Are you a kappa? I mean, they gather shirikodama too. |
Nitori |
話変わって貴方はボール |
Changing the subject, |
Mokou |
要らん とちょっと前ならそう言ってたが |
Nope. Well, I didn't earlier, |
Nitori |
お? |
Oh? |
Mokou |
闘わないとやり取り |
We can't exchange them |
BGM: 竹林インフレイム |
BGM: Bamboo Forest in Flames | |
If player loses | ||
Mokou |
このボールは違うな |
This ball's a dud. |
Fujiwara no Mokou DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
あれ? 周りの奴らみたいに都市伝説を |
Huh? It didn't look like you were using an urban legend though, |
Mokou |
ああ都市伝説って言われても 確かにみんな奇妙なお化けを お前のは作り物の怪獣だな? |
Ah, I don't know much about that Everyone else was certainly being attached with You've got some artificial monster, right? |
Nitori |
ふーむ 今まで売ってきて何だけど |
Hmm. I've been going around selling them until now, |
Final Stage
見て見ぬ振りも大切です |
Turning a Blind Eye is Important too | |
BGM: 真実を知る者 |
BGM: Those Who Know the Truth | |
Mamizou |
さーて |
Now then, |
侵略せよ!宇宙妖怪狸 |
Invade! The Youkai Tanuki from Space | |
Mamizou |
ん? |
Hm? |
Nitori Kawashiro ENTERS | ||
Nitori |
何だこれ? |
What's this? |
Mamizou |
河童か……まあいい お前さんには関係の無い話じゃ 帰って寝て忘れろ |
A kappa? ...well, fine. It has nothing to do with you Go home, sleep, and forget all about this. |
Nitori |
あ、ああ 見なかったことにする |
Ah, yeah, I'll just pretend I never saw this. |
Mamizou |
ん? |
Hm? |
Nitori |
面白い奴? これは自慢のUSOマシンさ |
Someone interesting? This is my proud creation, a USO[3] machine. |
Mamizou |
違う違う お前の後ろには超巨大な |
No, that's not it. It's behind you. |
Nitori |
へ? |
What? |
Mamizou |
冗談なもんか |
You think this is a joke? |
Nitori |
そ、そんな脅したって |
A-A threat like that |
Music stops | ||
Mamizou |
ふー愚かなもんよのう |
*sigh* How foolish. |
BGM: ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 |
BGM: Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World | |
Mamizou |
まあ良いじゃろ |
Very well then. |
If player loses | ||
Mamizou |
さてと、続き続き |
Now then. Let's continue, shall we? |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED |
- ↑ A shirikodama is a mythical ball said to contain a person's soul, which is located inside the anus. In some legends, kappas reach up people's butts and steal their shirikodama.
- ↑ Despite being up against Mokou, this stage takes place in front of Miko's dojo, and not in the Bamboo Forest. This provides the context for their conversation.
- ↑ Probably a parody (or idea-borrowing) of a TV program USO!? Japan (USO!?ジャパン). It introduced some strange tales like spirit photos, spirit spots, urban legends, etc.. Some teenangers took these topics as truth, but others deride them to point out that the title "USO" was "lie" (嘘) in Japanese, while the program explained that it was the abbreviation of "Unconfirmed Story Object", i.e. "rumor".
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