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Urban Legend in Limbo/Story/Sumireko's Scenario
Stage 1
ようこそ幻想郷へ |
Welcome to Gensokyo | |
BGM: 顕現した伝承の形 |
BGM: Forms of Manifested Folklore | |
Sumireko |
……よーし 今回も無事に 今まで一時的にしか 化け狸から貰った |
... All right. I've reached Gensokyo Until now, I've only been able But as long as I have Gensokyo's Power Stone |
??? |
ようこそ幻想郷へ |
Welcome to Gensokyo. |
Kasen Ibaraki ENTERS | ||
Sumireko |
あ、お前はあの時の |
Oh, you're that person from before. |
Kasen |
貴方を正式に |
I'm here to properly |
思欲せよ!願いを叶える仙人 |
Covet! The Hermit Who Grants Wishes | |
Sumireko |
は、もしかして化け狸から |
Wait, could it be that the Power Stone |
Kasen |
今更気が付いても遅い遅い |
It's a bit late to realize that now. |
Sumireko |
くそう、罠だったのか |
Crap, it was a trap? |
BGM: 華狭間のバトルフィールド |
BGM: Battlefield of the Flower Threshold | |
Kasen |
もう貴方に帰り道は無い 幻想郷流の洗礼を存分に |
There's no longer any way for you to get home. Just accept Gensokyo's baptism |
If player loses | ||
Kasen |
おっと死んでしまっては |
Uh-oh. It'd be troublesome, |
Kasen Ibaraki DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
なんてこった |
What have I done? |
Kasen |
逃げ回るが良い 幻想郷に安住の地が |
Feel free to run from place to place. If there's anywhere in Gensokyo |
Sumireko |
くっ |
Ugh. |
Sumireko Usami EXITS | ||
Kasen |
とまあ、この位脅せば十分ね ヘタに死なせて騒ぎになると 幻想郷の怖い夜を |
...well, that should be threatening enough for now. If we screw up and she ends up dying, Well, enjoy your terrifying |
Stage 2
最新の都市伝説 |
A Recent Urban Legend | |
BGM: 真実を知る者 |
BGM: Those Who Know the Truth | |
Sumireko |
ここは? 映画村みたいなセットね |
Where am I? It looks an old village straight out of a movie set. |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
Ichirin |
ポッポッポポッポ |
Po-po-po-po-po... |
驚愕!長身の入道使い |
Astonishing! The Tall Nyudou Handler | |
Sumireko |
む、女の人…… |
Ah, a woman... |
Ichirin |
誰? いいや脅かしちゃえ |
Who is it? Good! Be filled with terror. |
Sumireko |
ドキドキ |
*heartbeat* What kind of youkai is she...? |
Ichirin |
ポッポッポポッポ |
Po-po-po-po-po... |
Sumireko |
もしかしてその笑い方 ネット時代の |
That laughter... A made-up urban legend from the |
BGM: 公正なる奪い合い |
BGM: Fair Scramble | |
If player loses | ||
Ichirin |
ネット時代って |
The Internet age? |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
本物の八尺さまなら逃げなきゃ |
If it's the real Hasshaku-sama, then I've gotta run. |
Sumireko Usami EXITS | ||
Ichirin |
今の誰? |
So who was that? |
Stage 3
伝説の都市伝説 |
A Legendary Urban Legend | |
BGM: 真実を知る者 |
BGM: Those Who Know the Truth | |
Kokoro |
ねぇそこの人間さん アタシ、キレイ? |
Hey, Miss Human. Am I pretty? |
戦慄せよ!悪夢の能面女 |
Shiver! The Noh Mask Woman of Nightmares | |
??? |
助かったー |
Whew, I'm savedー |
Sumireko Usami ENTERS | ||
Sumireko |
八尺さまに追われているんです ……って貴方も大概な |
I'm being chased by Hasshaku-sama. ...wait, you've got that |
Kokoro |
そうだった キレイじゃ無いから |
Oh, that's right! Not pretty? |
Sumireko |
ええー? 容姿には自信が無かったけど |
Whaaat? I may not be that confident about my looks, |
BGM: 対蹠地の鐘 |
BGM: Bell of Antipodes | |
If player loses | ||
Kokoro |
ところで貴方、誰? |
By the way, who are you? |
Hata no Kokoro DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
はあはあ 伝説に聞いた都市伝説よね 人間が居そうだったけど |
*pant pant* A really legendary urban legend. It seems like humans live here, |
Sumireko Usami EXITS | ||
Kokoro |
やった |
Yay! |
Stage 4
幻想郷流の洗礼 |
A Gensokyo-style Baptism | |
BGM: 可能性を信じて |
BGM: Believe in Possibilities | |
Sumireko |
しかし…… ここにはあの街以外に ああ、どうにかして |
But... Other than that village, it doesn't look like Ah, I wanna get back home to the |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
お、やっと見つけたぜ |
Oh, I finally found you. |
恐怖!学校の魔法使い |
Horror! The School Magician | |
Sumireko |
あー あの時の人間! |
Aah! You're that human from back then! |
Marisa |
霧雨魔理沙だ |
The name's Marisa Kirisame. |
Sumireko |
助かったー |
I'm savedー |
Marisa |
ふふふふふ |
Hehehehehe. |
Sumireko |
何がおかしいの? |
What's so funny? |
Marisa |
誰が助けるなんて言ったかい 私はあんたをコテンパンに 幻想郷流の洗礼を |
Who said I was gonna help you? I've been looking for you, Have a taste of |
BGM: オカルトアラカルト |
BGM: Occult à la Carte | |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
おっとやり過ぎたかな? |
I wonder if I went too far? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
ひえー |
Eek! |
Marisa |
何でって 騒ぎを起こしたのは |
Why? You're the one who started |
Sumireko |
そんなのちょっとした それをこんな卑劣な |
Oh, come on. I don't deserve this |
Sumireko Usami EXITS | ||
Marisa |
まだまだ反省してない もう少し痛い目に |
She's still not sorry, Guess we'd better keep |
Stage 5
一寸法師の受難 |
The Suffering of Issun-Boshi | |
BGM: ボールのある日常 |
BGM: An Everyday Life with Balls | |
Sumireko |
地上は何処も妖怪だらけね 妖怪なんて怖くない やっぱり妖怪は |
The surface is completely covered with youkai. I'm so sorry for saying I Youkai are really |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
あー、誰? |
Aah, who is it? |
眉唾!緑色をした小人 |
Dubious! Inchling in Green | |
Sumireko |
あ、貴方は |
Ah, it's you. |
Shinmyoumaru |
あー、あの時の変態! |
Heyー, you're that pervert from earlier! |
Sumireko |
きゃー |
Ackー |
Shinmyoumaru |
くそー |
Crapー, |
BGM: 七玉蒐集ショウダウン |
BGM: Seven-Orb Collection Showdown | |
If player loses | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
家がバレてしまった |
My home's been found, |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
こんな生き物が居るんなら って今はそんな余裕を言ってる まだ家に帰る手段も |
If something so cute lives here, ...Wait, this is silly. I have to find a way to get home. |
Stage 6
夢の再決戦 |
Rematch of Dreams | |
BGM: 顕現した伝承の形 |
BGM: Forms of Manifested Folklore | |
Sumireko |
うーん? |
Hmm? Looks like I'm lost. |
Fujiwara no Mokou ENTERS | ||
Mokou |
あ、お前はあの時の |
Oh, if it isn't that |
激熱!人間インフェルノ |
Blaze! Human Inferno | |
Sumireko |
あ、お久しぶりー! |
Yeah, it's been a whileー! |
Mokou |
そうか勝負の続きを |
So you want to continue |
Sumireko |
あ、いや今は |
Ah, no, now's not a good time- |
Mokou |
お前もこっちに居られる さっさと始めるぞ! |
I bet you won't be on this side Let's get this started already! |
BGM: 竹林インフレイム |
BGM: Bamboo Forest in Flames | |
If player loses | ||
Mokou |
手応えが無いな |
Is that all? |
Fujiwara no Mokou DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
ふえー もう帰りたいんですが |
Phewー, I just wanna go home, |
Mokou |
ははあ |
Ah? |
Sumireko |
へ? |
Huh? |
Mokou |
ここ迷いの竹林は 道案内してやるよ |
This Bamboo Forest of the Lost I'll guide you out, |
Final Stage
悪夢の堂々巡り |
The Nightmare of Running in Circles | |
BGM: 真実を知る者 |
BGM: Those Who Know the Truth | |
Sumireko |
結局神社に戻って 幻想郷に来るといつも 何とかして戻る手段を |
So, in the end, I'm just Whenever I come to Gensokyo, I have to come up with |
??? |
遅かったな |
You're late. |
Toyosatomimi no Miko ENTERS | ||
Miko |
お前が来るのを待っていたよ |
I've been waiting for you. |
怪奇!二色マント魔人 |
Bizarre! The Fiend of the Two-Colored Mantle | |
Sumireko |
今度は一体何よ |
So what is it this time? |
Miko |
帰りたい? ほう面白い事を言うじゃないか 私はお前を外の世界に このオカルトボールと |
You wish to go home? How interesting. I've been waiting here to send you Along with these |
Music stops | ||
Sumireko |
は、オカルトボール!? そうだ、それがあれば 何でそれに気が付かな |
Huh, the Occult Balls!? Oh, yeah! If I had those, I should be Why didn't I think |
Miko |
ボールの仕掛けは |
I've seen through the trick |
BGM: ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師 |
BGM: Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World | |
Miko |
幻想郷に忍び込もうと お前、ボールをばらまきに その時はお前の影しか来て 今度こそ、全てのオカルトボール |
I thought you were using them You've come to Gensokyo many times Although during those times, This time, let's send you home |
If player loses | ||
Miko |
おいおい |
Hey, hey, |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |