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User:Glasnost/Reisen Draft
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
浄土の探査機 |
Probe from the Pure Land | |
妖怪の山麓 |
Foot of Youkai Mountain | |
BGM: 忘れがたき、よすがの緑 |
BGM: Unforgettable, the Nostalgic Greenery | |
Reisen |
ついにこの時が来たのね |
So the time has finally come. |
?? |
あらあら |
Oh, my. |
Seiran ENTERS | ||
浅葱色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Pale Blue Eagle Ravi | |
Seiran |
お久しぶりー! |
It's been a while! |
Reisen |
随分と派手に攻撃されたけどね |
Aside from you attacking me pretty flashily, yes. |
Seiran |
まあこれも仕事なの |
Well, it's for work. |
BGM: 兎は舞い降りた |
BGM: The Rabbit Has Landed | |
Seiran |
だからここで大人しく |
So just behave yourself |
Seiran DEFEATED | ||
Seiran |
え? |
Huh? |
Reisen |
残念ながら私は つまり貴方は私の敵…… |
Sorry, but I've Basically, you're my enemy... |
Seiran |
『メーデーメーデー! |
Mayday, mayday! |
Reisen |
そうそう、テレパシーでみんなに 自分勝手な月の兎にね |
That's right, spread the word to everyone To all those selfish moon rabbits. |
Stage 2
湖上の前線基地 |
Forward Base on the Lake | |
妖怪の山の湖 |
Youkai Mountain Lake | |
BGM: 湖は浄めの月光を映して |
BGM: The Lake Reflects the Pure Moonlight | |
Reisen |
うーん、上の方から |
Mmm, the wind up here |
?? |
裏切ったって |
So is it true |
Ringo ENTERS | ||
橘色のイーグルラヴィ |
The Orange Eagle Ravi | |
Ringo |
月の兎同士で争うだなんて |
Fighting your fellow moon rabbits, honestly. |
Reisen |
まあね |
Well, I suppose. |
Ringo |
貴方も大変ねぇ 私達、兎の労働条件は |
You've got it tough, too, huh? And us rabbits' working conditions |
Reisen |
でね、私のミッションは まあそんな訳で、ちょっと |
Anyway, my mission So would you mind |
BGM: 九月のパンプキン |
BGM: Pumpkin of September | |
Ringo |
はいどうぞ、ってそんな訳に 裏切り者は排除しろと |
Do you think I'm just going to say 'Eliminate traitors' is written |
Ringo DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
地上の環境は過酷だけど まあ、住めば都ってね |
Earth's environment is harsh, but Well, your home capital is what you make it, right? |
Ringo |
そう、私も地上に住みたいなー 仕事も何もかもかなぐり捨てて |
Yeah, I want to live on Earth too... And just forget about work and everything else. |
Reisen |
さてさて久々に月の都に |
Now, then, it's been a while, but |
Ringo |
そうそう、一つだけ忠告しておくわ 今、月の都は一人の狂人によって 昔の極楽浄土はもう |
Ah, right, let me give you one warning. Right now, the Lunar Capital has started going crazy Understand that there's nothing left |
Reisen |
ほほう…… |
Oho... |
Stage 3
アポロ経絡 |
Apollo Meridian | |
秘密の連絡通路 |
Secret Passageway | |
BGM: 宇宙を飛ぶ不思議な巫女 |
BGM: The Mysterious Shrine Maiden Flying Through Space | |
Reisen |
ここは第四 |
This is Kaian[1] Passageway #4, I believe? |
?? |
おっとそこまでよ |
Ah, that's far enough. |
Doremy Sweet ENTERS | ||
夢の支配者 |
Ruler of Dreams | |
Doremy |
貴方はここを通すな 貴方に何の怨みも無いけど |
I've been told I have no grudge against you, |
Reisen |
ば、 なんだって |
A... a baku? What's the most dangerous youkai in |
Doremy |
今回の件は私も少しかんでいるんでね さあ、良い子だからぐっすり眠って |
I'm a little caught up in these events, too. Now be a good girl, have a nice, long sleep, |
Reisen |
兎しか使わないはずの連絡通路に 私か誰かを誘い込んでいるのが |
Putting an enemy in a passageway It's obvious they're trying to |
BGM: 永遠の春夢 |
BGM: Eternal Spring Dream | |
Doremy |
知っての通り、地上と月の都の ここは |
As you know, the passageway This is the Dream World! |
Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Reisen |
この先待ち受けているのが悪夢だとしても それが仕事だからねぇ |
Even if there's a nightmare waiting for me ahead, It's my job, after all. |
Doremy |
そうですか…… 私の方は一応形だけでも それにしても ちゃんと仕事をするなんて…… |
I see... I may just be here for form's sake, but That aside, Actually doing your job properly... |
Reisen |
Well... maybe I'm still Even though this impure world ought to have |
Doremy |
いやそういう月の狂気ではないわ どちらかというと 誰かが用意した夢を抱いて 要は染まったのね 穢れた貴方には今の月の都は 必要以上に気を付けてね |
No, this isn't the moon's madness. ...if I had to say, I'd call it Like those humans, who manage to come up with their own individuality In short, you've been tainted. Your impure self will see nothing but lunacy Be even more careful than you need to. |
Stage 4
寂びの来ない街 |
月の都 |
The Lunar Capital | |
BGM: 凍りついた永遠の都 |
BGM: Frozen Capital of Eternity | |
Reisen |
これは一体!? 何故こんなに冷え切っているのかしら それに誰もいないだなんて…… |
What is this?! Why's everything frozen over like this? And everyone's vanished... |
Sagume Kishin ENTERS | ||
舌禍をもたらす女神 |
Goddess who Invites Unfortunate Slips of the Tongue | |
Reisen |
あ、サグメ様…… |
Ah, Lady Sagume... |
Sagume |
……兎? 今、月の民は全員仮の月の都に |
...a rabbit? But the lunar citizens should have all |
Reisen |
仮の……月の都? もしかしてみんな |
Fake... lunar capital? Does that mean everyone's |
Sagume |
察しが良いわね 月の民はみな夢の世界を それこそ月の都の狂夢 |
Good guess. The lunar citizens have all mistaken That is the lunatic dream of the lunar capital. |
Reisen |
いつも喋らないサグメ様が 何か本当におかしな事が |
For you to be be so unusually something really strange must |
Sagume |
貴方は地上に堕ちた兎ね |
You're the rabbit that fell to earth, aren't you? |
BGM: 逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン |
BGM: The Wheel of Fortune Turning Over | |
Sagume |
まさか獏がこちらへ通すとは もしかして 試してみるわ |
I never thought the baku would let you ...perhaps that possibility I'll test the power |
Sagume Kishin DEFEATED | ||
Sagume |
判った判った 八意様が貴方を遣った 貴方なら月の都を |
I see, I see. I understand the reason that You might be able |
Reisen |
えええ? |
Whaaaat? |
Sagume |
今、月の都はある敵によって |
Right now, an enemy of the lunar capital |
Reisen |
侵略だって? |
Invade? |
Sagume |
それも我々月の民には 慌てて月の都を凍結停止させて このままでは狂夢によって だから早いうちに |
And she's using the power of life, We panicked, put the lunar capital in stasis, but the souls of the lunar citizens can't stay So we thought we would |
Reisen |
うひょっ!? いやー、驚きすぎました |
Hwa?! Ahh, that's just too big a shock. |
Sagume |
勿論知らないわ 地上に月の都の別荘を作ろう |
They have no idea, of course. All we told them was that the lunar capital |
Reisen |
……月の民の上司はいつもそう でもなんでそれを私に? |
...I really can't stand the way the lunar authorities But why are you telling this to me? |
Sagume |
貴方に教えたのは 敵は生命の源を牛耳る力を 生死を拒絶する 貴方はもう生死を拒絶しないのね 貴方はもう穢れている |
What I've told you Our enemy has control over She's crafty, turning the tables on ...but you no longer do so. Because of your impurity, |
Reisen |
ふー恐ろしい話 永琳様も輝夜様も、最初から判って 人の危険なんて |
Phew, sounds scary. Lady Eirin and Lady Kaguya knew all this from the beginning, They really don't mind |
Sagume |
私が計画を話してしまったので だからもう貴方しか頼りが無いの |
Because I told you about the plan, So we have nothing left but to rely on you. |
Reisen |
はあ、サグメ様がそう仰るのなら 強制的に |
Aah, if that's what you say, Lady Sakume, Because hook or by crook. |
Sagume |
判っているのなら行きなさい! これはいわば勅命よ |
If you get it, then go already! This is an imperial order! |
Stage 5
星条旗のピエロ |
Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner | |
静かの海 |
Sea of Tranquility | |
BGM: 遥か38万キロのボヤージュ |
BGM: Faraway Voyage of 380,000 Kilometers | |
Clownpiece ENTERS | ||
Clownpiece |
きゃはははは! 妖精達よ、もっとスピード イッツ、ルナティックターイム! |
Kyahahahaha! Fairies, raise your speed It's lunatic time! |
Clownpiece LEAVES | ||
Reisen |
都の外に妖精の大群……? これがサグメ様の言っていた いや、確かに妖精は穢れの象徴だけど それに月の民だって妖精程度の って疑問はそこじゃないわ そもそもなんで月面に |
A swarm of fairies outside the capital...? Are these the invaders Lady Sagume Well, it's true that fairies are a symbol of impurity, And the lunar citizens shouldn't be afraid of impurity ...Wait, that's not the problem here. What are fairies doing on the Moon |
Clownpiece |
それはねぇ 地上から連れて来られた 月面にも元々いたのよ、妖精は |
Well, that's... ...because they were brought here There used to be fairies on the moon. |
Reisen |
妖精の親玉ね 確かに他の妖精とはひと味違う こんな奴に月の民が |
So you're the fairies' boss. You do seem different from But why would the lunar citizens have a problem dealing |
Clownpiece |
あたいを誰だと思っているの |
Who do you think I am? |
地獄の妖精 |
Fairy of Hell | |
Clownpiece |
あたいは地獄の妖精 月の民は友人様の敵 ご主人様の敵はあたいの敵だ! |
I'm the fairy of Hell, The lunar citizens are Master's friend's enemies. Master's enemies are my enemies! |
Reisen |
腑に落ちない処も在るけど…… |
I'm not really sure I get the whole picture here... |
BGM: 星条旗のピエロ |
BGM: Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner | |
Clownpiece |
月の民の嫌う生死の穢れを 初めての死で |
They say a purified fairy's energy Taste the impurity of life and death and let your first death |
Clownpiece DEFEATED | ||
Clownpiece |
はあはあはあ |
Haa, haa, haa... |
Reisen |
この圧倒的な力…… |
This overwhelming power... |
Clownpiece |
な、なんで……? 生命の象徴である我々妖精族が 月の民は手も足も出せないって |
W-why...? But I heard that as long as we fairies, the lunar citizens wouldn't be able |
Reisen |
ねえねえ、その話 |
Hey, who exactly |
Clownpiece |
ご主人様の友人様よ 妖精達の力を |
My master's friend. The one who purified us fairies' power |
Reisen |
純化? |
Purified? |
Clownpiece |
あたいにも良く判らないけど |
I don't really get it either, but I guess |
Reisen |
ふーん、そいつが妖精達を 確かにここの妖精達は いや、穢れその物といってもいい 確かにこのレベルで攻められると |
Hmm. So she tricked the fairies The fairies around here are No, it's at a level beyond just Being attacked with something of this level |
Clownpiece |
あのー、あんた、いや貴方様には何で |
Hey, you... er, ma'am... why are you |
Reisen |
私はもう……、地上の兎だからね 一度穢れてしまえば、もう戻る事は でもこれで間違い無いわ お師匠様は月の都を救うために ただ、敵は月の民のクリティカルな弱点を 何者なのかしら…… お師匠様もサグメ様も知っている筈なのに 何にしてもここまで来たら |
Because I'm... an earth rabbit, now. Once you've been impurified, it's But that confirms it. My master used me to save But the enemy understood the lunar citizens' weak point, What sort of person could they be...? Master and Lady Sagume probably both know, Either way, since I've come this far, |
Stage 6
倶に天を戴かずとも |
静かの海(裏) |
Sea of Tranquility (Other Side) | |
BGM: 故郷の星が映る海 |
BGM: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects | |
Junko ENTERS | ||
Junko |
万策尽きて暴挙に出たとでも 月の民のその様な姿を |
They say that violence comes after all other means< I never hoped to see the lunar citizens |
Reisen |
……誰? |
...Who are you? |
純狐 |
Junko |
私の名は純狐 月の民に仇なす仙霊である |
My name is Junko. |
Reisen |
月の民にこんな敵がいたなんて |
I've never heard of the lunar citizens |
If the player is in Pointdevice Mode or has no deaths in Legacy Mode | ||
Junko |
まさか 狂気の民が正気に堕ちたのかな |
To think they sent a Perhaps the citizens of madness have descended into sanity. |
Reisen |
さあね、私も(命令)(しごと)で来ただけだから ただこれだけは言える! 月の民は狂気のままだ! そうじゃなきゃ、こんな仕事 |
Who knows. I'm just here to do my job, But I can say this! The lunar citizens will remain in lunacy! If they didn't, there's no way |
Junko |
ほう……そこまで言うのなら 私に気付いていない月の秘策が |
Hoh... if you'll go that far, A secret of the moon I don't know yet. |
Reisen |
さあね でも気を付けた方が良いのは 私はサグメ様の命でここに居る 運命は逆転し始めているのよ! |
Who knows. But the one who needs to watch out |
Junko |
面白い……月の民が私を厭わない 月の兎に何が出来るのか 見せよ! そして見よ! |
Interesting... so the lunar citizens bear no grudge against me. What can a moon rabbit do? Show me! And watch! |
Junko DEFEATED | ||
Ending No. 07 | ||
If the player has at least one death in Legacy Mode | ||
Junko |
まさか どういうこと? 何故お前はそこまでミスを |
To think they sent a And why have you accepted |
Reisen |
ああ、ミスを受け入れている 私はもう月の兎を止めたんだ |
Ah, i haven't really accepted I've stopped being a moon rabbit. |
Junko |
な、何だって? 月の兎を地上に堕として 素直に感心したわ! |
W-what? Dropping a moon rabbit to Earth I'm genuinely impressed! |
Reisen |
え、あ、そうなの? |
Wha? Ah, really? |
BGM: |
BGM: | |
Junko |
でも奇策は奇策 この地上の兎は必要以上に これでは私の力の前では無力! だが、不倶戴天の敵、 お前が出てくるまで |
But schemes are just schemes. This earth rabbit bears impurity Like this, she is powerless against my strength! Now, my mortal enemy, Chang'e, I'm going to torment this girl |
Junko DEFEATED | ||
Ending ? |
Additional Information
- ↑ "The Dream of Kaian" (槐安の夢) is a Chinese story in which a man falls asleep by a tree and is whisked away to become ruler of a kingdom, only to wake and discover that the kingdom was an anthill at the base of the tree.
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
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