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User:Suzuran/Server Statistics

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Since I am hosting the server now, I can provide statistics on resource usage and donation amounts.

Server Information

Touhou Wiki is hosted out of Linode's Dallas datacenter. There are two VM instances involved in the hosting of the wiki. Both of them are Linode 1024s, which means they each cost $40 per month. The first is Akyuu, which runs only the webserver process. The only sites hosted on Akyuu are the various touhouwiki sites and a private danbooru used for convention pictures. The danbooru will be moved or removed if resource usage becomes too high. The second server is Cirno, which hosts the Touhou Wiki SQL database and a variety of other services unrelated to the wiki.

Linode pools bandwidth usage together across all linodes in an account. Traffic between two linodes (for example, the SQL traffic) is not billed. This means that between Cirno and Akyuu I get 1200GB of transfer per month. Cirno did not account for very much of this quota by itself. Up to this point, my chief limitation on linode has been available RAM.

I keep separate usage statistics for each site, including separate statistics for the different Touhou Wiki sites. Momiji and K both have access to the statistics and performance meters, and Momiji has the ability to become root on Akyuu. This should provide some means of continuity should something happen to me.

Donations Go Where?

To make things easier for myself (and for performance reasons) I am "trading" the DB server on Cirno for the Danbooru instance on Akyuu. I consider Cirno to be my private server, so I pay for it myself. Your donations aren't spent toward Cirno. Only Akyuu is donation-funded, and as such Akyuu's primary purpose is running Touhou Wiki. Linode doesn't actually split the bills though, so this distinction is purely in my head. You'll have to just trust that I don't squander your money during the month, I guess. The donations go to my Paypal account, and Linode is directly charged from my bank account. Who exactly pays for what shouldn't become a concern unless I lose my job or get run over by a bus or something drastic like that happens.

Also note that Paypal takes a cut of your donation. The totals I keep are what was left after Paypal took their cut. I don't know what Paypal's cut is, I'll have to go searching to see what it is.

The Activity Table

I intend to update this once a month, somewhere around the first of the month. These statistics are currently only for the English wiki. Other wiki statistics may be added if they start getting significant amounts of traffic.

Month Donations Unique Visitors Page Views Bandwidth Notes
August 2012 $52.44[1] 70,827 2,986,994 125.66 GB Stats started counting on the 10th.
September 2012 $18.31 91,091 4,023,117 175.33 GB
October 2012 $0.00 102,805 4,284,074 187.92 GB
November 2012 $6.50 100,492 4,246,463 191.92 GB
December 2012 $114.96 111,318 5,055,283 222.26 GB
January 2013 $6.12 124,769 5,649,378 246.43 GB
AVERAGES $33.06 100,217 4,374,218 191.59 GB

  1. Nazeo donated $50 shortly after the wiki was moved, but since he is banned and this creates a possible conflict I did not feel comfortable keeping his money. I returned his donation. Therefore, Nazeo's $50 is NOT included in this amount.