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Wily Beast and Weakest Creature/Story/Reimu's Extra (Wolf)
< | Reimu's Scenario (Wolf) Extra Story |
Story | Afterword | > |
血戯えの業風 |
Karmic Winds of a Bloody Frenzy | |
地獄(畜生界隣接暴風区域) |
Hell (Stormy Area Nearby the Beast Realm) | |
BGM: 輝かしき弱肉強食の掟 |
BGM: The Shining Law of the Strong Eating the Weak | |
Kutaka Niwatari ENTERS | ||
Kutaka |
この先、最強の動物霊が占拠しています 現在、地上に攻めてこないように 今すぐ引き返してください! |
The area up ahead is occupied by the strongest animal spirit. Right now, we're carrying out coastal operations Please turn back now! |
Kutaka Niwatari DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
畜生界から本当の侵略者が 私が地上に出てくるきっかけを |
So true invaders from Since I gave them the opportunity by returning to the surface, |
Reimu (Wolf) |
(……) (クックック) |
(......) (Hehehe...) |
Saki Kurokoma ENTERS | ||
??? |
あっはっは! |
Ah ha ha! |
Saki |
吉弔の奴が袿姫を倒したお陰で |
Thanks to that bastard Kicchou defeating Keiki, |
Reimu (Wolf) |
……はっ! |
......Yes! |
Reimu |
ああ!? |
Huh!? |
Saki |
……その人間は私を知らないんだね |
......This human doesn't know of me, huh. |
勁牙組 組長 |
Matriarch of the Keiga Family | |
Saki |
失礼した、私は |
How rude of me. I am Saki Kurokoma, |
Reimu |
勁牙組……? |
The Keiga Family......? |
Reimu (Wolf) |
(この方は、私の親分だ) (勁牙組は強大な腕力、俊敏な脚力、 (畜生界最強の組織だぞ) |
(This person here's my boss.) (The Keiga Family is an organization of animal spirits (We're the strongest group in the Animal Realm, y'know.) |
Reimu |
オオカミ霊の親分だって? |
She's your boss? |
Saki |
袿姫を倒すための お前があの袿姫を倒してくれたお陰で となれば、我ら最強最速軍団 程なくして畜生界は いや畜生界どころか地獄界も人間界も……? |
Our brief deal with Kicchou in order to
defeat Keiki is now over. Thanks to you defeating Keiki, And thus, the strongest, fastest army, Soon the Animal Realm shall Perhaps not just the Animal Realm, but Hell and the Human Realm too......? |
Reimu |
そう簡単にいくかしら? 私を畜生界の争乱に 今ここであんたを倒して |
You think it'll be that easy? Roping me into the Animal Realm's conflict I'll beat you right here, |
BGM: 聖徳太子のペガサス ~ Dark Pegasus |
BGM: Prince Shoutoku's Pegasus ~ Dark Pegasus | |
Saki |
ふっふっふ、心地良いな 吉弔みたいないけ好かない奴と違って |
Heh heh heh, that sounds nice. Unlike that foul Kicchou, |
Reimu (Wolf) |
…… |
...... |
Saki |
判っているな? オオカミ霊よ あの袿姫を倒した時と さあ、邪神を打ち破る人間の力 |
You got that, wolf spirit? It won't be fun if she's Now, show this jet-black pegasus |
Saki Kurokoma DEFEATED | ||
Saki |
……ハアハア 力強さと身軽さ、弾幕に対する勇気と知恵 か、感動した! |
......*pant pant* Your power, swiftness, bravery and knowledge I-I'm moved! |
Reimu |
そうですか…… |
Is that so...... |
Saki |
どうだ、勁牙組に入って |
I wonder, |
Reimu |
ん? |
Hm? |
Saki |
私は畜生界を支配するのに 勁牙組の人間界支部として |
I'm busy with ruling the Animal Realm, So I'll leave the Human Realm to you, |
Reimu |
いやいやそんな馬鹿げた話…… |
What? That's ridiculous...... |
Saki |
え? 断るなんて酷い…… 何の為に力を見せつけたのよ |
Eh? How cruel of you to refuse...... So then, why did you show me your strength? |
Reimu |
もしかして、勁牙組って |
Wait, is everyone in the |
Reimu (Wolf) |
ええ、すみません お察しの通り、物理は強いんですけど |
Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It is as you've seen. We are physically strong, |
Saki |
じゃあいいや 人間界を訪れたときはまた頼むよ? |
Whatever, then. I'll be calling on you when I visit the Human Realm next, okay? |
Reimu |
へ? 何を? |
Huh? What for? |
Saki |
勿論、手合わせだよ 今度私が勝ったら、さっきの話も考えてくれ |
A duel, of course. If I win, I'll have you reconsider my proposition. |
Reimu |
うへえ、もううんざり…… |
Ugh, I've had enough of this...... |
- ↑ This phrase might refer to the Japanese meme "my dream is broadening" (夢が広がりんぐ), which casts the speaker as acting prideful before a tragic fall. This originates from a 2004 post on 2ch by someone who tried to buy into an apple juice business, which turned out to be a MLM scam.